Pickens County Schools move to distance learning due to COVID-19 spike
Dragon's Corner, Featured News, Featured Stories, News December 15, 2020 , by Lisa BastianPickens County Schools Systems released the following information today:
Due to increased health concerns and a rapid spike in COVID-19 cases in our community, The Pickens County School District will be implementing distance learning for the next three days 12/16/20-12/18/20. Distance learning assignments will be posted on its learning platform and devices will be sent home with students. If your child does not bring home their device, please contact your child’s teacher or the school office to make arrangements to pick up the device.
On Wednesday, December 16, 2020, inclement weather is expected in our area. All of the staff should report at 10:00 a.m. Staff will also be reporting to their work locations the remainder of the week and should adhere to safety protocols already in place regarding masks and social distancing.
Meals will be available curbside at all schools tomorrow, Wednesday 12/16/20 from 11:00 a.m. until 11:45 a.m. More information will be shared tomorrow regarding meals on Thursday.
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An adjustment has been made in the return date for students following Christmas break. Students will return to school on Wednesday, January 6, 2021, due to the fact that many of our schools serve as voting precincts. Monday and Tuesday (1/4/21 and 1/5/21) will be teacher workdays for staff.
We appreciate the support as we continually work to keep up our students and staff safe. Updated information will be provided on the Pickens County School District website, the Infinite Campus parent portal, our district website, social media website, and sent to local media.
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