Georgia Public Safety Training Celebrates 30th Anniversary
State & National July 28, 2017
On Saturday, July, 22nd 2017, the Georgia Public Safety Training Center (GPSTC) celebrated thirty years of training those who serve and protect the citizens of every community across the great State of Georgia. The celebration was held in Forsyth at the main campus of GPSTC. It was a great day of celebrating the milestone of training Georgia’s Finest with Georgia’s Finest. The event attracted public safety personnel from across the state and vendors from across the country. The day of celebration began with a motorcycle rodeo, where officers demonstrated the skills of handling and maneuvering police motorcycles through a comprehensive cone course. Following the rodeo was a ribbon cutting ceremony to inaugurate the official opening of the Basic Emergency Vehicle Operations Course (EVOC) driver training tracks new expansion. Governor Nathan Deal and Attorney General Chris Carr were in attendance and were the first to take a lap on the new course. Other event activities included the Training Center’s individual academies showcasing the different areas of specialized training that is provided on a daily basis. This was exhibited through live demonstrations across the campus for the attendees to observe first-hand. The demonstrations included live fire suppression scenarios; a vehicle versus a structure on fire with persons trapped and a flowing fuel fire provided by the Georgia Fire Academy, a high speed vehicle pursuit resulting in the use of the Precision Immobilization Technique, and a live firearms demonstration that focused on shooting while on the move
provided by the Georgia Police Academy, and two live explosives demonstrations provided by the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The demonstrations were definitely a popular attraction allowing the attendees to view other areas of training that might be outside their actual career field or job discipline. The enthusiasm could be vividly seen and felt among those in attendance, making for a great day and a successful event for the Training Center. The GPSTC Conference Center was filled with a variety of public safety vendors displaying anything from equipment to footwear to vehicles to drones. Just walking through the exhibits venue, one could feel the excitement that filled the air as the Training Center was bustling with various activities. Several State Law Enforcement Agencies were on hand as well showcasing their equipment and abilities to protect the citizens of the State of Georgia. The Georgia Public Safety Training Center thanks all who made the event a success and looks forward to another thirty years of training the professionals among the public safety communities in Georgia and across the country.
To honorably represent the state of Georgia through devoted dedication to the Public service of our citizens, committing to
improving the level of professionalism in the public Safety community by offering state of the art Training and
distinguishing ourselves as the Nation’s premiere Center for learning and growth.
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