The Big Surprise
Opinion July 24, 2017Imagine if you will, Trumps presidency unexpectedly crashing on the shore like a huge tidal
wave sweeping away all before it. Few saw it coming and fewer less, could imagine its impact
on the status quo of American politics. What caused that super life changing Trump tidal wave?
Simple answer, it was Americans seeing and hearing for the first time in decades a real
conservative candidate running as a Republican, who was willing to stand up and fight the
Liberalism, Marxism, Democrats and the ‘elites’ who were choking America to death.
That singular November event rejuvenated Americas lost soul. A stone of realization was
dropped in the water, the ripples racing out in all directions gathering in every lost soul it
touched, rushing onward to its inevitable end, the promise of draining the swamp.
Literally thousands of people attended every Trump election rally. None had less that 10,000
enthusiastic attendees, cheering wildly, looking hopefully forward to the future. At last they could
actually see there was indeed a swamp of political corruption in which both parties gleefully
swam, that had to be drained. A pox on the Republican who stands in the way of that dream.
The swamp dwellers, the epitome of an insiders only club, now fearful of losing their sinecures,
their influence and the never ending flow of cash from the lobbying industry, are marshaling their
forces to resist, including corrupt #Never Trump” Republicans, the changes he wants to make in
how the government operates, to Make America Great Again, by draining the swamp. Trump
must have read George Orwell’s 1984 when Orwell said: “Our lives begin to end the day we
become silent about things that matter. In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a
revolutionary act.” All I can say, since 8 November, is welcome to the revolution.
In their Fake News, lies, innuendos, and rumors of presidential dysfunction, the naive
princelings of the mean street media, launching attack after attack to discredit Trump, are
shocked when their efforts do not resound with the people who made him President.
What the mean street media breathlessly expects in 2018 is a “hell or high water” turning point
for Republicans with the Democrats returned to Congress. They aren’t going to get it. The
Democrats are simply not going to be returned to power. They are no longer the alternative.
They have lost most of American governments at local, state and federal levels in election after
election and they still insist they are the only possible choice. I don’t think so.
Democrats cannot reclaim Americans trust when their leadership consists of a foul mouthed
marxist as their DNC head, a Muslim as his deputy, an anti-American faux Indian Princess as a
presidential candidate or a tottering old Marxist fool now under investigation for fraud. What is
their message? More of the same? More free benefits, more illegal immigrants, more perverts in
our toilets and in the military, more attacks on the middle class and more defense of the
indefensible, Islamist jihadism. What could possible go wrong there?
The big surprise will be within the ranks of the Republican party when the GOP’s candidates are
seriously challenged by Tea Party Conservatives. It’s conservatives replacing “elites” that’s
going to come forward in 2018. The gauntlet has been thrown down. The Elite GOPer’s, in an in
our face defiance, having refused to repeal Obamacare will dare voters to challenge them on it
thinking the passage of time will dim memories. These people have a steadfast commitment to
inaction brought on by a haughty indifference to the will of the voters.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go MAGA.
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