Short Takes – A Divided America, What’s the Cure?
Opinion February 14, 2018
America has long been divided by two contending political philosophies, one created in the firm belief in the god given rights of man through self determination and possession of private property, among others, the inalienable anchors of representative freedoms. The other, a scheme that clings to the Marxist inspired idea that people would be happier when embraced by the comforting arms of a collectivist, benevolent government, in the guise of the Democrat Party.
Into the midst of this conflict of ideas, stepped the most totally corrupt entity to ever enter American politics, the Clintons, man and wife, neither Marxists or Constitutionalists but criminals singularly dedicated to exploiting political divisions for their own self-aggrandizement. Their vehicle to wealth accumulation, power and corruption was through America’s political process.
America’s ill’s will never ever heal until Americans are assured at last, that the entire apparatus of the Clinton’s odious pay to play, personal wealth grabbing, political corrupting, self aggrandizing, treasonous machine is dismantled and she, her husband and all their acolytes stand in the dock to account for their crimes. Only then, will we know the cure has started.
The political struggle has been going on for decades with Socialist-Marxism in the ascendency, until Donald Trump. Trump hasn’t been scheming for years to be President, but is a total newcomer to the governing process because he had finally arrived at his own breaking point. Trump saw that Americas conversion into Socialism was near total and irrevocable. It was his trigger to believe the instauration of American politics was required and he could do it.
So, what does it mean to be a Republican then? Until Trump, absolutely nothing! Republicans, long wanderers in the political wilderness, bought into the socialists agenda for so long that capitulation was considered the norm. No debate, no arguments, just go the Democrats way. The word “bipartisanship” camouflages the exploitative nature of conflicting powers allegedly governing together. Republicans constantly fumbled aways their voters desires to keep America great. They were enjoying their “bipartisanship” and the rewards that came with it. Their greatest trick, as the cliche goes: was their ability to “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.“ Until Trump!
Trump’s not a Republican and definitely not a Marxist but he’s a wealth creating businessman, a capitalist who convinced us he had the skills to Make America Great Again. He knows how to negotiate and the problems left us from eight years of Obama’s amateurish leadership, his inherent weaknesses and policies of appeasement, is being challenged face on and renegotiated to the screams and laminations of the spavined Democrat party.
Trump came as a champion. Americans, awakened by the Leftist threat, but lacking leadership and not knowing how to confront it, organized into ’quaint’ political groups, were quickly derided by the media and Deep State practitioners of elitism. The result, victory of conservatism in three successive national elections pushing the Democrat party into near oblivion.
The Republicans are starting to do what we have long wanted and what Trump is pushing them to do: expect political success in the face of tough resistance. Lacking an effective strategy for defeating the Democrats, without being pushed from behind, is slowing the process. Americans are resilient, slow to anger but fierce when pushed. The Democrats plotting against Americans in favor of illegals proves they are morally bankrupt and lack any vision to see America as Americans want it. The changes will be painful but in the end, America will be great again.
Remember, Freedom is thew goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
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