University of Georgia’s team of agricultural economists kicks off 2017 Georgia Ag Forecast seminar.
News December 20, 2016By: Eddie Ayers, County Extension Agent
Good information is the best defense against unforeseen circumstances like changing governmental regulations and weather patterns that can impact agriculture. That’s why the University of Georgia’s team of agricultural economists kicks off each year with the Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series. There, they present valuable insights into what the upcoming year will hold for the state’s largest industry. The 2017 seminar series will be held January 18 – 27 in Macon, Marietta, Carrollton, Tifton, Bainbridge, Lyons, Waynesboro, and Athens.
The UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences hosts the annual seminar series, and its attendance grows every year. Nearly 1,000 producers, agribusiness representatives and community leaders attended the seminars in 2016.
Economists from the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development and from the UGA Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics will deliver the economic outlook which will focus on Georgia’s major commodities and the way that global markets, weather patterns and historical trends will affect those commodities. The 2017 keynote topics will be a Farm Bill Update and the Veterinary Feed Directive.
Kent Wolfe, Director of the UGA Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development says the main objective of the ag forecast seminar series is to provide Georgia’s producers and agribusiness leaders with information on where the industry is thought to be headed in the upcoming year. It helps farmers plan what they’re going to plant in the next year, but it’s also good for bankers and others who have businesses involved in agriculture or who will be impacted by the farm economy. Sharon P. Kane, Food Business Development Specialist, at UGA’s Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development will give a briefing on GATE and how it is reflected in county sales tax revenue.
The 2017Ag Forecast sessions will be held Wednesday, January 18 at the Georgia Farm Bureau Building in Macon, Thursday January 19 at the Cobb County Civic Center in Marietta, Friday January 20 at the Carroll County Ag Center in Carrollton, Monday January 23 at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Tuesday January 24 at the Decatur County Ag Center in Bainbridge, Wednesday January 25 at the Toombs County Ag Center in Lyons, and Friday January 27 at the UGA Center for Continuing Education in Athens.
Coffee and registration begins at 9 am then the 90 minute seminar is from 10-11:30 am followed by a networking luncheon. Participants will leave the meeting with a copy of the 2017 Georgia Ag Forecast book, which is designed to provide a detailed analysis of major commodities produced in the state. Individual registration is $30 and if you are registering a table of 8 attendees, the registration is $200 which would be $25 per person.
The Georgia Ag Forecast is organized by the University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES). This event is made possible through the Georgia Farm Bureau Land Grant University Lecture Series Endowment and supported by the Georgia Department of Agriculture and the Georgia Agribusiness Council.
Registration is already open, contact someone at the Gilmer UGA Extension office. We can print, fax or email the form for you. For more information on this event, contact me at the Gilmer UGA Extension office.
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
By: Eddie Ayers, County Extension Agent
Christmas day is almost here and if you have a gardener on your shopping list, here are some gift ideas that might help you out and best of all, most suggestions can be found locally, so you still have time to get them before the big day.
Gardeners can never have enough books. Make sure it is written for our area and it is educational, not one just trying to sell items. A magazine subscription also falls in this category. Many gardeners are excellent cooks so a mix of gardening and cooking books can bring great delight. Whether it’s an actual cookbook or an apron with a gardening motif, or a book about herb plants, it will be appreciated. And don’t forget the So Easy to Preserve books available for purchase through the Office of Communications at the University of Georgia.
One group of gifts that are often overlooked is items that are health related, items such as a good sun hat and sunscreen fit here. And although they sound a bit out of season right now, sunscreen products can now be found year around in most drug stores and department stores. Sun hats may be hard to find this time of year, but they are in some stores. If you can’t find one, give them an IOU. What about the cooling towels that are worn on the neck to help prevent overheating. A gift card works too, but when you get something specific they know you were thinking about them.
A good quality water hose, padding for knees and small stools or chairs are good choices too. A couple of interesting items are an ice cream scoop that can be used to plant bulbs or a water timer to make sure plants are watered at the right time and water is not wasted.
Some of the best tool gift ideas include big and little-headed hoes for the garden. A hoe with a smaller head is really handy because it can get up next to plants much easier. The scuffle hoe works backward and forward, and requires less effort than a regular hoe. The one tool indispensable to a gardener is a spading or turning fork, but don’t buy the welded type because they just don’t hold up under heavy work.
A good hand trowel is another tool you shouldn’t skimp on. Look for one-piece construction, which eliminates the problem of bending or breaking the tool. A wheelbarrow or garden cart is impossible to do without. A large wheeled garden cart may be even better than a wheelbarrow because it doesn’t tip over and can carry heavy loads with little effort.
As for hand pruners, the bypass types are preferred because they cut cleanly, whereas the anvil types tend to cut and crush the plant tissue. For weaker hands, a pair of shears with ratcheting handles makes a great gift because they are much easier to cut with, and a pair of loppers makes easy work for somewhat larger branches. A pruning saw is also indispensable and a long handled or pole pruner is especially useful.
How about a soil sample? Surprise your neighbor or loved one with soil sample results so that they can get the most out of their garden. If lime is needed, how about a bag of lime or load of topsoil or composted manure? They are always recommended because they are much needed for new planting areas. If they sell items at the local farmer’s market, why not buy their permit for next summer.
I trust this list helps you think and perhaps come up with even more ideas so you find that perfect gift. Just keep in mind that most gardeners like things that are practical and from the heart, so happy holiday shopping and Merry Christmas!
An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution
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