Early voting on $60 million SPLOST starts Monday

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DAWSON COUNTY, Ga. — The dust has barely settled following January’s special election in Georgia’s U.S. Senate race but Dawson County Republicans and Democrats will return to the polls starting Monday (Feb 22) to vote on a $60 million, 6-year Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax.

Early voting will last until Friday, March 12. Local voters can vote early at the Dawson County Elections Office, 96 Academy Avenue in Dawsonville, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. The polls will be open on Election Day, March 16, from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.

The cost of the county’s list of proposed projects totals $45,320,000. Included on the list of major projects are: Road and culvert projects ($16.4 million); Construction of a new Emergency Operations Center and E911 communications system ($8.5 million): Fire station replacement ($3 million); Public works vehicles and equipment ($2.5 million); Construction of a new public health facility ($2.5 million) and ambulance replacement ($2.3 million).

The City of Dawsonville’s proposed list totals $6.18 million. Included are: Deep patch repair, milling and repaving of roads ($2 million),; Construction of tertiary waste water plant ($2.12 million) and Main Street Park Phases 3 and 4 ($605,000).

For more information about polling locations, how to request a ballot and to view a sample ballot, visit the “My Voter Page” at https://www.mvp.sos.ga.gov/MVP/mvp or call (706) 344-3640.



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