Recycling budget increase proposed to Board of Commissioners
Featured Stories January 24, 2022 , by Emma Shock
DAWSONVILLE, Ga. – At the Dawson County Board of Commissioners meeting held on Jan. 20, the Public Works Department requested a recycling budget increase as well as direction in repairing the transfer station.

The Dawson County Board of Commissioners discussed the grant and budget proposals presented at the Jan. 20 meeting.
Denise Farr, the director of the Public Works Department, explains the county currently uses the single-stream recycling process. This process handles cardboard, paper products, plastics, glass, aluminum and metal cans.
The county budgets $13,000 for recycling but spent $18,090.70 in 2021. With waste management significantly increasing its costs, Public Works estimates a yearly recycling cost of $57,222.
In her presentation, Farr outlines the current recycling process’s positives and negatives for the Board to consider an increased budget or economical alternative.
The single-stream system encourages recycling since people do not have to separate materials. It also gives municipalities lower upfront costs.
However, the quality and number of useable recyclables are lower because of contamination and issues separating materials. And although the system offers lower upfront costs, the sorting and processing rates lead to higher costs.
Farr elaborated on issues with the current system saying, “Sometimes in the compaction, especially with the metals, they can’t get everything apart so some of that is ending up in the landfill that really shouldn’t be.”
After listening to her presentation, the Board asks Farr to return with alternative recycling processes which could be more beneficial and financially effective.
In addition to recycling budget, transfer station requires examination
The Public Works director also presented to the Board the structural issues of the county’s transfer station. The station can no longer accept construction or commercial debris.

Farr included examples of the damage in her presentation to the Board.
Farr explained how the impact force and positioning of construction, commercial dumping and packing equipment have caused damage to parts of the building, including the loading area’s steel plates and beams.

Excessive loads and continued force of debris and clearing equipment have damaged the transfer station’s loading area.
Replacing and installing additional steel beams, along with the steel plate flooring, is estimated to cost $120,000. To replace siding and siding supports, the estimated cost is $25,000.
When considering the facility’s future with construction and commercial dumping, Farr states, “If we’re going to continue with that, then we’re going to have to have a whole different design in mind.”
The Board agrees with Farr’s analysis that the station requires repairs for safety and efficiency. During the voting session, the commissioners decide to send out a bid for an engineer to inspect the site.
To access the agenda and voting session packets, visit
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