Fannin County Middle School- 8th REACH Signing Ceremony

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Fannin County Ga- Fannin County Middle School hosted the REACH signing ceremony on Thursday October 13, 2022. Realizing Educational Achievement Can Help (REACH), is a Georgia educational program to aid in student long term success.  This ceremony was the eighth signing hosted for Fannin County Middle School Students. 

REACH is a needs-based mentorship and scholarship program designed to encourage students starting in middle school, to persist in their education pursuits. Students are provided tools, resources and support needed to graduate high school, and achieve post-secondary success.

Among the guests were: Dr. Michael Gwatney- Fannin County Superintendent, Lynne Riley- Georgia Student Finance Commission Agency President, Mark Young- Fannin County Middle School Principal, Keshia Dover- Asst. Principal, Matt Rosenberger- Asst. Principal, Shandra English- Counselor, Dr. Scott Ramsey- Fannin County High School, and a special video presentation from David Ralston. 

In the opening of the ceremony, Dr. Michael Gwatney said “[REACH] is an opportunity to change the path of your lives.” The contract, signed by both students and parents, outlines the expectations by stating make good decisions, earn good grades, have good attendance, maintain a HOPE academic status, attend REACH events, check in with your support system and mentor, graduate high school, and graduate college. 

As of June 2022, there were 3,000 students involved in the REACH program across Georgia. 95.8% of REACH students will graduate from high school, and 76% of the students are eligible for the HOPE scholarship. As of today, Fannin County has had 45 REACH students, with a number of them receiving post-secondary education. Among the Fannin County Recipients were Lesly Alvarado, Sarah Brawley, Ronald Kendall, Jamari Patterson, and Elijah Queen. Congratulations to all the students for their accomplishment and acceptance into the program.


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