County staff preparing DRI review for Coal Mountain Town Center
Featured Stories January 13, 2022 , by Bill Johnson
FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. – A major project that has been talked about for at least four years took a concrete step forward Tuesday when the Board of Commissioners directed staff to begin a development of regional impact (DRI) review for the Coal Mountain Town Center overlay.
A DRI is a large-scale development or one that is likely to impact neighboring communities. DRIs are then subject to review by the Atlanta Regional Commission.
The plan presented by representatives of Toll Brothers Tuesday will be approximately 145 acres located just west of Ga. Highway 400, near the intersection of Browns Bridge Road and Dahlonega Highway.
The development will consist of 158,000 square-feet of retail, 108,000 square-feet of office space, 300 multi-family units, 130 townhomes, 278 single-family units and 201 senior family units.
The Board also approved:
- The award of 21-157-2410 for Fire Hydrant Field Testing for calendar year 2022 to American Flow Services in the not to exceed amount of $145,000;
- The award of Bid 21-180-3340 for the Hammonds Crossing 16-inch Water Main Project for the Department of Water and Sewer to Unity Construction Co. in the amount of $2,040,255.70;
- The award of Bid 21-191-1620 for Landscaping Services and Detention Pond Clearing at various locations for calendar year 2022 for the Department of Public Facilities to REMS Property Management in the not to exceed amount of $166,530;
- The award of Bid 21-198-5211 for Resurfacing and Restriping at Shady Grove Campground for the Department of Parks and Recreation to The Surface Masters, Inc. in the amount of $129,250;
- The award of RFP 21-171-1512 for Pre-Employment Physicals and Drug Testing on an as-needed basis for calendar year 2022 for the Department of Personnel Services to Peachtree Immediate Care in the not to exceed amount of $26,000;
- The award of RFP 21-173-1550 for DOT and FTA Drug Testing on an as-needed basis for calendar year 2022 for the Department of Risk Management to Peachtree Immediate Care in the not to exceed amount of $3,500;
- The award of Bid 21-125-3190 to provide all labor, materials, and equipment for Old Atlanta Road Phases 4 and 5 to G. P.’S Enterprises Inc. in the amount of $51,400,000;
- The acceptance of payment in the amount of $28,075.58 for damage sustained to Sheriff’s Office Unit # 553 with authorization for the Risk and Safety Manager to execute the Property Damage Release with Hanover Insurance Group;
- The approval of the Sawnee Mountain Foundation Agreement for Grant Funds in the amount of $125,000;
- Authorization for the Sheriff’s Office to accept the award of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council BJA FY2020 Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program (CESF) in the amount of $14,359.00 with no required match;
- Authorization for the Sheriff’s Office to accept the award of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council FY20 Comprehensive, Opioid, Stimulant and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) in the amount of $14,625 with no required match;
- Authorization for the Sheriff’s Office to accept the award of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council FY22 Law Enforcement Training Grant in the amount of $420,944.00 with no required match;
- Authorization for staff to proceed with the Public Safety Infrastructure Refresh Project in the not to exceed amount of $1,400,000.00 with approval of a Budget Resolution;
- Authorization for (a) its staff members (the “Staff”), Davenport & Company LLC (“Davenport”), and Citigroup Global Markets Inc. (“Citigroup”) to develop a Plan of Finance for the issuance of the Bonds (the “Plan of Finance”); and, (b) the Staff, Davenport, Citigroup, the County’s Bond Counsel, Murray Barnes Finister LLP (“MBF”), and Jarrard & Davis (“JD”) – Counsel for the Water and Sewerage Authority and the County – to carry out the Plan of Finance and proceed with the issuance of the Bonds;
- Moving the decision regarding the addition of Crown Signs to the county Sign Ordinance to a public hearing
- Appoint Commissioners Cindy Jones-Mills and Semanson to the Water and Sewer Committee and Commissioner John and Molly Cooper and Semanson to the Finance Committee’
- S Conflict Waiver for Jarrard & Davis, LLP to represent the County and the Authority regarding the upcoming refunding and new money bond issue;
- Ratification of Aaron Coe Workers’ Compensation Settlement Agreement
- A Second Amendment to the MOU between Seefried Industrial Properties and Forsyth County regarding the roundabout at Shiloh Road and Shiloh Road East;
- A Settlement Agreement between Forsyth County and CC Windermere, LLC regarding the Daves Creek Stormwater Issue;
- A resolution to condemn property interests in Tax Parcel 067-006 (Flynn Crossing Station, LLC) of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project;
- A resolution to condemn property interests in Tax Parcel 113-425 (Leslie Jane Loughmiller) of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project with authorization for the Chair to execute document in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $4,100.00;
- A resolution to condemn property interests in Tax Parcel 114-064 (Brian and Dianna Brooks) of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project with authorization for the Chair to execute document in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $12,900.00;
- (27) Board consideration of a Resolution to condemn property interests in Tax Parcel 114-145 (Dustin Clevenger) of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project.
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