Class of 2030 Sets Their Sights on Quietly Walking in a Straight Line


Class of 2030 member, Keighly-Anne O’Neal says bye to mom, Trista O’Neal.

At 8 am, a hush set over hundreds of houses in Fannin County.  After 10 weeks of loud family discussions about who gets to watch what cartoons in the morning, the kids are back in school until May 25.  (for complete school calendar, scroll down).

For about 300 kids, today was their first day of kindergarten; thus, the first day of 13 years as students of Fannin County School System.  For some children at Blue Ridge Elementary School, this was the first day of 14 years as Fannin County School System students.  This is the first year that Fannin County has a pre-K program.  Blue Ridge Elementary School is the only elementary school in Fannin County with a pre-K program.  9th District Opportunity Headstart/Pre-K in Mineral Bluff also has a state-run pre-K program; however, it is not part of Fannin School System.

FYN Pup Reporter Joseph with his first Fannin County School System teacher, Selena  Rich , at East Fannin Elementary School.

FYN Pup Reporter Joseph with his first Fannin County School System teacher, Selena Rich , at East Fannin Elementary School.

Today was also FYN Pup Reporter Joseph’s first day of school.  His first lesson – lining up with the class, one hand by the side, one finger making the shush sign on the lips and trying to make it to the cafeteria without getting lost.

Congratulations to Fannin County High School Class of 2017.  You learned how to walk quietly in a straight line 13 years ago.  Now, you are learning how to walk boldly into the world, full with your own dreams and potential.


2016 fcss calendar




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