Fannin County Sheriff Dane Kirby announces re-election campaign

Announcements, Election, News


To the Citizens Of Fannin County, I would like to take this opportunity to announce my intention to seek re-election in the upcoming 2024 Republican Primary. I am very grateful and humbled by the trust you have placed in me as your Sheriff for the last 15 plus years.

I took office in January 2009 and every new year presents its own set of challenges and tasks to be completed in the world of crime fighting. Myself and the dedicated people who make up the Fannin County Sheriff’s Office have remained determined to provide quality service to the people we represent.The People of Fannin County can rest assured that determination has not and will not diminish as our County continues to face new problems that arise from the tremendous growth that we have witnessed over the years while still continuing to focus on existing problems. I have learned over the years that the people expect their Sheriff to enforce the law period, and I have done that to the letter of the law.

As in previous years I plan to continue serving and protecting, with the professional and courteous manner that is expected of this office. The Citizens of Fannin County as well as visitors should know they can feel safe here, but should also realize that dangers exist here just like everywhere else. Parents should worry about their children being exposed to drugs and other evils of this world and people in general should be aware that bad people do infiltrate the mountains of North Georgia. This County needs and deserves a Sheriff with wisdom, experience and dedication to combat those evils that exist.

Since day one, I have been and will remain a “hands on” Sheriff. It has taken years and a lot of hard work to establish close working relationships with agencies such as GBI, FBI, Homeland Security, Georgia State Patrol, ATF, DNR, US Forest Service, Department of Corrections and all the surrounding Sheriffs Offices to create an army of resources at our disposal on a daily basis. We have a drug agent with GBI and a task force officer with the FBI working out of our office EVERY DAY. All this has created a network where valuable information is shared and acted upon accordingly and has made criminal and drug interdiction more productive than ever before in the history of Fannin County. The working relationships between the Sheriff’s Office, the District Attorney’s Office, Magistrate Court, Probate Court, Superior Court and the multiple Accountability Courts have resulted in very close attention being paid to cases to ensure they are all handled appropriately and as quickly as possible.

The Office of Sheriff is a big job that must be taken very seriously, it is a job that takes years to learn. The last 33 years I’ve spent in law enforcement have definitely been years spent learning and applying my knowledge to form an extraordinary Sheriff’s Office to serve this community.

I can tell you without a doubt the Citizens of Fannin County can be very proud of the men and women who make up this office, they come to work everyday to serve, protect, represent and fight for you.  It is my privilege to serve the citizens of Fannin County and working everyday as your Sheriff is the most gratifying and fulfilling experience I have ever had. I take seriously the issues we as a community face on a daily basis and I will meet each issue head on. I am honored that you have placed your confidence in me and it is my hope you have been satisfied with my service and that you will continue to support my efforts. 

Please feel free to contact me day or night with any questions or concerns you have. My cell number is 706-633-8269. I would like to extend my appreciation to each one of you for your past support and ask for your continued support and vote in the General Primary Election to be held on May 21, 2024.


Sheriff Dane Kirby


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