“The Visit” By Bob Allen
Religion July 18, 2018
Visit With Evil.
This is urgent, must rear.
This, my friend, is a word from the Lord for the followers of Christ Jesus. The message is not about my experience, but to encourage you to put on the whole armor of God and get yourself into the fight.
In 1987 I had cancer in my throat, while being prayed for the minister said, “You have been shot, I see shrapnel in your jaw I had been shot in my throat and jaw at age 17 as a young Marine. The minister said, “There was a death sentence attached to that bullet by Satan it had now been broken. The devil wanted to destroy my throat because of the calling on my life. No one but the Lord could have revealed the knowledge of the shrapnel in my jaw to that little housewife that spoke this word over me; it can only be revealed by an x-ray, the cancer was also from the devil.
Let me now show you what this ugly thing is like.
Another person and I from the church were having a disagreement, and I said let’s pray about it. We went downstairsto my game room, and we got on our knees facing each other around an eighteen-inch round footstool and began topray. I just began to praise the Lord, and all at once the person said, “Stop! He doesn’t want you to praise Him.” So I stopped. I had no reason to question this person. I had just gotten saved, and I knew little to nothing, but I was hearing from God, I guess I thought everyone could. All of a sudden, the person’s eyes were changed to a bright yellow with a red center stripe running perpendicular; very terrible and scary. Their thumb was cocked back like a pistol, and their finger was thrust into my side applying pressure to my side. It was sore for a few days. Suddenlytheir language was changed to a cold, hard, evil, scary tongue. The sound was as fast and loud as a German machine gun. I had never heard teaching on casting out devils, and I was too scared to run. I remember looking at the stairs and wondering if I could make it without being overpowered. I waved my hand before their eyes and could see that the person was hypnotized. Their eyes were like glass. The person never moved their finger or released the pressure from my side, or stopped speaking in the harsh, evil tongue. I had never heard this tongue. Before or since itwas like perfect evil. It was very fearful and scary. The devil kept this evil tongue up using this person like they were a piece of trash until they fell out from exhaustion. I thought they might be dead. All I knew to do was put my hands over their head and praise the Lord. After a time the person set up and was normal; just as if nothing had happened. I said, “What did he say?” The demon spoke through the person and said, “He just said, you stand accused.” I said what’s going on here? They asked what I meant. I said do you know what just went on here and they said no. They never knew or believed they had such an experience and were taken over by the devil, and yet it happened. The person left the room perfectly normal with the demons still in them. Once in you, until he is dealt with, he can come and go at will, and he can appear to be a good manager of your life.
One of the things the devil wanted to convince me of was that tongues were his. The pastor had already told me that tongues belong to the devil. This person was in the First Baptist Church on Sunday with a choir robe on and teaching Sunday school. There was no sign of demons, but the demons were still there. This is not that unusual. Satan was at the table with the disciples at the last supper “Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot being of the twelve.” (Lu22:3) “And when the hour was come He (Jesus) sat down, and the twelve apostles with Him.”(Verse: 11) Jesus said, “But, behold, the hand of him that betrays me is with me on the table.”(Verse: 21)
I had two more visits about this same time when the devil made a statement about tongues. The Lord wanted me to have this experience to learn about the evil devil’s ways, so I could help others. Most of us will not see a face taken over and changed like I did that day. I still find it a mystery the way he was exposed to me. One day during a visit from him while trying to pass himself off as the Lord I caught him in a lie and told him so. I think it is a mystery why he let me catch him lying, and why he exposed his hand to me. It only made me a greater lover of God. The evil, wicked power can be used by him if he can get you over into sin. It is his to use if he can get to you through deception. The devil totally possessed this person, but don’t worry; he can’t touch you, just like he couldn’t touch me. There must be something for him to travel on to get into you. It is what I call a sin road. If you are in sin or deception, he has directaccess to you. If you will hide the Word in your heart and won’t sin against God, the Word in you will be a stop sign for the devil. If you can handle this next statement ok, but if not, so be it: I have heard many, many preachers say a Christian can’t have a demon, but I must say they have all been wrong.This person was a Christian caught up in lustand lies to cover the sin. Remember the devil cannot touch a born again spirit, but if your soul and body step into sin, you leave yourself wide open , and If you play in his sandbox, you are going to have company from sin’s rightful owner.
This person was delivered from demons about forty-five days later. They called the pastor and said, “I am deathly sick. Come quickly.” I stopped in just to check on the person at the same time the pastor showed up; he said, “Do you want me to call an ambulance and get you to the hospital?” They said,” don’t you know what this is? This is demons coming out of me.” Neither of us had ever been around anything like this before. The pastor was very scared. He never believed in demons being active today, and he had not believed me when I tried to tell him about my prior experience with the person. Now, this happened about forty-five years ago at that time you would have a hard time finding a TV preacher as well as very few Christian books on this subject.
This was a solemn work of the Lord. I don’t know how this person knew that they were full of demons or that the Lord was going to deliver them at that time. If this person had not been a child of God, the Lord would not have delivered them like this. It was His solemn work. It was a beautiful thing to see the Lord rescue one of His own. He never wants the devil’s wicked ways to touch us. The Pastor and I did nothing; we didn’t know how. The word, come out, was not spoken by us one time. This goes against every deliverance I have ever witnessed or heard of or been involved in. I saw this evil; wicked devil operating, even in one that is in the church. Satan has great power to use, but only against those not under the Father’s protection at all times through the Lord Jesus.
The Lord wants me to share with you what I saw in the evil, wicked, hideous one who hates you. If you belong to Christ Jesus, Satan is most likely the author of everything that’s going wrong in your life.
Father God loves you with perfect love, and through the overcoming power of our Lord Jesus, we can put the devil under our feet. If you know anyone who needs help in this area, please push this teaching forward this is the work of God and not man. This work needs to touch the whole body of Christ; Please ask the one you forward it to also to pass it on.If you know someone that is maybe struggling or needs deliverance, I can and will help, and I can get you to the right Church. [email protected]
The last teaching on this subject is coming up: a trip to meet Jesus to learn more about sin.
The Devil Manifest
Religion July 11, 2018
The Great Deceiver
I want to share with you a visit I had from the devil. Please listen. I hate talking about sin and the devil, but this is what the Lord has given me to do at this time. The devil needs to be expose our families are being attacked. I will tell you how important this is and I want you to pray about it. You can ask the Lord to judge me. Ask him if what Bob Allen said is true. He knows who I am, and I have total faith and confidence in what I am saying. I give you permission to judge me for yourself. I was put in the presence of the devil to see how evil and wicked he is, so I could share it with you. I had been saved a very short time and one day while driving my car; I ask the Lord if tongues are real and if they are for today. The power of God fell on me in the car, and I began to speak in tongues! I had the true “ book of Acts” experience. I had to get my car off the road and just lay in the seat while the Spirit was upon me. I spoke what seemed to be many, many languages for maybe over an hour I could not stop until the Lord was through. At that time I received the gift for giving message and interpretation in tongues for the Church. I lay down in the seat until the Lord was finished with me. My mouth was filled with the Spirit. I was completely consumed in the Spirit world. It would be too much to try to share all I experienced that day.
Shortly after that, I had three personal visits from the evil one. I am only going to share one with you. It seems to me; his greater purpose was to stop or discredit my new language of tongues. I still don’t quite know how to value our Holy Spirit languages, but the devil evidently does. I know that the most important thing to him was to stop these tongues now at any cost. I was in the First Baptist Church in a small town on eastern shore Maryland and tongues had never been introduced there, in that Church. You would think the way the devil came after me that I was the most important person in the world. It was as if I had my hands on the pearl of great price which Jesus spoke of and satan thought it was his. I knew little to nothing. I was just starting to read the Bible for the first time. You would find it hard to believe, but I was in a constant battle with satan for at least a year. Try to hear this. If you are a child of God, you most likely have never had troubles that he was not the author of. His footprints would be on all family problems. In that first year, he knew every place I would go, and everything I would do. I went to a motel to fast and pray for three days just to seek the Lord and to pray for my marriage. He was there. He spoke to me and answered my very first prayer, disguising himself as the Lord Jesus. He is a never ceasing evil force against you. One of the things he said was, “you don’t need to pray in tongues just talk to me, and I will answer you.”
Be a real Marine for the Lord and fight! You can beat him every time with the Spirit of God that’s in you. Please wake up! When it comes to sin, if you are not in spiritual warfare you’re not in war. You are in defense or defeat. Don’t forget ,David didn’t make David famous; Goliath did, so fight.
While I was on my knees in the midst of prayer, the devil showed up. The first thing I heard from him was “God doesn’t want you to praise Him.” What a lie. The devil hates it when we praise the Lord. Praise the Lord more often and with your whole heart. I am going to take you into my visitation from the devil then my last teaching on sin will be my trip to heaven to learn more about sin.
The Great Victory
Religion June 22, 2018
When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, the Spirit of God came upon Him, and all the Spirit and power of God in heaven and earth would soon be given to Him; that is as soon as He beats satan. “For what the law could not do,in that, it was weak through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh [like us] and for sin, [because of sin] condemned sin in the flesh,” (Rom8:3) Sin started in the flesh. It must be overcome by the flesh.” But when the fulness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, made of a woman, made under the law.” (Gal 4:4 )To know Jesus, as we should ,we must understand we were not made like Him, but He was made like us. When Jesus went into this battle, he was a man. Isaiah said,” For unto us a child is born, unto us, a son is given.” (Isaiah9:6) The child is Mary’s son. The son of man, every time you see the son of man, He is the man, Christ Jesus. The son given is the son of God from heaven.[perfect man ,perfect God] Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tried and tested by the devil for forty days and nights. (Luke4:2) It was as though He was thrown in the ring with Satan and with the wild beasts! This is a very tense time. I believe this is the greatest battle in the history of the world. Jesus, the man in the flesh, against the devil for forty days and nights! Jesus is the first sinless man standing on the earth since the fall of Adam. He has the new sinless bloodline from the Father which Adam had in the beginning before sin. Jesus is the only man in the history of the world not fathered by the sinful bloodline. He has stood the test. Jesus never sinned. He has a perfect, sinless body, and perfect, sinless blood. He bypassed the sinful bloodline. The devil beat Adam in what seems to be just one try. Jesus is called the second Adam. We can read this story in Matthew chapter four in about five minutes, but let’s slow down and try to see it as the Lord Jesus lived it. Jesus is fasting forty days and nights while in the wilderness alone and with the wild beasts. The Word says afterward He was hungry. At His weakest point, the tempter tempted Him with bread. What I am trying to do here is show you the battle that Jesus went through for your soul. Our everlasting, eternal life is free for us, but it was by no means free to Jesus! It was fought for and won. What can we say but thank you, Father? Thank you, Jesus!
Father God is now starting over. It has been about 5,000 years since God had a man on the earth to confront the devil. Since the fall of Adam, until now, there has not been a man who was not of the sinful bloodline of Adam and sin can never take away sin.There has not been one recorded fight between the devil and man from Adam to Jesus. Job never entered the fight. Satan dealt with Job by permission from God. Job never put up a fight because he thought it was God dealing with him. Jesus came out of the wilderness after forty days of temptation by the devil. The devil promised Him the world, but Jesus rebuked him as a man with The Sword of the Spirit which is the written word of God. It is written in Matthew and Luke; when it was all over angels came and ministered to Him. Everything changed that day. God now has a champion, Jesus. Jesus said, “All power in heaven and earth has now been given unto me.” (Matt28:18) Jesus now has the keys to heaven and hell. All the Spirit and power of God upon the earth is now His. Satan has been judged and defeated.
What do you think your chances are of beating the devil if you fail to join yourself to the faithful, overcoming one, Christ the Lord Jesus? How tough it must be for the poor sinner out there being steamrolled by demons and blinded about it all. Get going, be a witness. Help somebody. Paul said, “The god of this world has blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2Cor 4:4) Help somebody get their eyes open.
( Jesus)” Who being the brightness of His glory, and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had (by himself purged our sins) sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high (Heb1:3) He has blottedout the handwriting of ordinances that was against us. (Col 2:14.) How about you? Are you blotted clean?
The wages of sin is death. (Rom6:23) “For he hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; [killed in our place] that we might be made the righteousness of God, in Him. (2Cor 5:21) Spiritual death is separation from God for all eternity.
Peter, speaking of Jesus said, “Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree.” (1Pet2:24a )Try to remember; your sins should be history. Keep your eyes on the Master. Paul said, “Lest Satan should get an advantage on us, for we are not ignorant of his devices (2Cor2:11). If you leave a door open satan will stick his foot in it. Don’t forget to fight for your family and loved ones.
“For Christ also hath once suffered for sins,[yours and mine] the just for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh,” ( Pet3:18)
“There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh [soul] but after the Spirit.”(Rom8:1)
Part 2: Sin Killed Jesus. Dividing the soul and spirit
Religion May 30, 2018
The Lord knew the road the knowledge of the tree of good and evil would take Adam down, and that sin would kill him because he had eaten from the tree. He knew the lust that would be in the soul and the flesh of man.God is love. God is Spirit and can only lead us by His Spirit, His Word, and His love. The Spirit of God does not feed or satisfy the desires of the flesh or the soul unless the soul has been converted back to Him.
Adam would no longer be led only by God, but by the spirit of darkness. Adam’s desires would now come through the demands of the flesh and the decision of the soul. The soul, his mind, will, and emotions, would no longer be pure. The wicked one whom Adam had obeyed can now lead him by his flesh as it makes the demands upon the soul. The devil operates in the hidden darkness. He can’t touch our spirit. If we belong to God, we are sealed! We are zip- locked in. We are led by God’s Holy Spirit, and the more of His Word we take in, the more influence our spirit will have on our lives. The spirit works from inside of you to the outside. The soul and body, however, have to be fulfilled by the things on the outside of this fallen sin ruled world. This is where the devil tries to step in and offer you this, that, and another thing. In other words, he offers”nothing for everybody.” The soul operates through taste, touch,see, feel, hear,and smell. And all the lust of the world flows through these streams.Once man drew the knowledge, and the dark power of evil from that tree of good and evil, it is his. Out of that tree comes every temptation that is in the world .The desires of the body and soul are many many times stronger than the spirit. All the spirit needs to be secure and complete in God, is His spirit, His word, His love, His mercy and His grace. Your living soul is not the same as your spirit. The soul and spirit can be divided. If you are born again, your soul will be saved, and it will go with you to heaven, but if you are not saved, it will go to hell with you.
” The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.” Heb 4:12, the great divider is The Word. Do you believe It enough to act on it or not?
I believe these experiences of Jesus with Peter are the best examples I can find of the dividing of the soul and spirit. When Jesus said to Peter, “come,” Peter stood on the water on the word of Jesus, which is spirit. When Peter looked at the storm, he saw it with the eyes of his soul, and he was filled with fear; standing on spirit, but looking with the soul at the same time. The spirit and soul were divided. He had been standing on the faith of Jesus. If Jesus had said to Peter, I have the storm covered; he would have walked right through the storm. Peter had not been converted at this time. “Jesus said, when you are converted strengthen you’re the brethren.” Peter did not receive the spirit until Jesus breathed on him. Therefore, the spirit was not in him. He could only see through his soul. When Peter cried out for Jesus to save him, Jesus said, “oh you of little faith, wherefore did youdoubt.”Mt.14:31 the soul can never believe for more than it can see.
Although Jesus was God made flesh, the Son of Man, Christ Jesus, was 100% man. When He was on the cross, His spirit said Father into your hands I commend my spirit. His suffering soul, on the cross,cried out MY GOD! My God! Why have you forsaken me? We must as children of God have a perfectunderstanding of sin; to hate it as we should and to move others away from it. Today sin is toocommonplace,even within the church.
When Jesus was being tried , This good man, Peter who had spent over three years with Jesus,denied Him. This perfectly taught man said three times, I don’t know the man. So the best, of the best of men, without the spirit in him, is nothing but a liar. His life is a lie. No liar will ever enter the gates of heaven. Rev 21:8”…. all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.” The soul will never value anyone or anything above itself, and it’s will to care for itself. Much more to come on sin, share with everybody, share with your pastor. The Lord has a cry in his heart for those trapped in sin, and not getting help. Do you have friends and family that you need to be fighting for, praying for, and talking to?
Visit from the Lord about Sin
Religion May 23, 2018
I want to share with you a visit I had with the Lord. The Lord talked to me about the great depth of sin. I want to make it clear this is a revelation from God and not from man. I also had an angel to visit me. I was taken to heaven and received more revelation of sin. I also had an open vision .I got a quick view of the last day on earth for the sinner. I may have seen some of your family or loved ones caught out in darkness. Unless they get right with the Lord before they leave this world or the last trumpet sounds; it will be too late.
I will be sharing all of this with you.
In my own home, I watched the one that the Apostle Paul calls “the god of this world, the ruler of the darkness of evil” take over a person from the First Baptist Church in Maryland and change their face, even the color of their eyes. Their language changed before my very eyes. The evil one spoke to me and said, “ I say, you just stand accused.” For sure, I met the accuser of the brethren spoken of in Rev.12:10 “for the accuser of the brethren is now cast down.” Satan picked up this kind of authority over mankind when Adam ate from the forbidden tree. I had two more personal visits from the evil one at that time, but I will only be sharing the first one with you in this message. If you know the Lord, you need to hear this. It will make you a better minister and or witness. I will be breaking this up into more than one teaching. I don’t want you to miss any of it since it has been given to me by the Lord for you.
One night while approaching the foot of my bed, the Lord spoke to me in an audible voice. It was very loud and very clear! In fact, it was so loud and clear that this thought actually crossed my mind,” I hope He doesn’t wake my wife.” I feared God, but I also feared her. However, He had put her into a deep sleep. I knew that she could not stand my telling her again I was hearing from God. She was already reporting me to the pastor. I was sure it was an audible voice, because of my fear of her waking up. I guess I feared her seeing me standing at the foot of the bed talking out loud to the Lord. You might be thinking, Bob, why would you be talking out loud to the Lord? Because that was the way God was talking to me. This was a two-way conversation with the Lord, and I answered Him just like I heard his voice.
The Lord asked me this question,” What killed Jesus”? I said He was crucified. The Lord said, “Yes, but what killed Him”? And I said He was hung on a cross and had nails driven thru His hands and feet. The Lord said,” Not a bone in His body was broken. That did not kill Him.” By this time, I was panic-stricken, and I realized that I was talking to the Almighty God and I didn’t have an answer. I had heard that the Jews killed Him, that the Romans killed Him and the pastor had recently preached a message that He died of a broken heart. So I said, “Lord He bled to death” And the Lord said, “He didn’t bleed to death when the spear was stuck in His side. Blood and water gushed out, so that didn’t kill Him”. I said, Lord, I don’t know.
The Lord then said to me ,“Sin.” Then He repeated the word again, and said, “Sin, Sin killed Jesus.”
I had little, to no understanding of what He was trying to teach me. I remember trying to sleep with these words running through my head all night long: sin killed Jesus, sin killed Jesus. All the next day, and for days I kept trying to understand it all. There was no need to talk with the pastor. By now, he was trying to get me to see a Christian COUNSELOR about my claiming to hear from God. He had been serving the Lord twenty years and had worked for Billy Graham. I had just gotten saved. By the same token, I also knew by now that of all the things that were important to God for me to know and understand, SIN WAS IT! And that sin killed Jesus.
My knowledge of the Lord at that time, well it was little to nothing somehow I just never got involved in church or religion in any way I remember my wife talking about God and about Jesus, and I said to her I know about God, but I don’t know anything about Jesus, and she set me down and explained Jesus to me. I was just starting to go to the First Baptist church. I had never been to church with my parents. We just didn’t go to church. My first time in church with them was when I was forty-one years old. It was at my oldest brother Bill’s funeral . I was a Christian then. In fact, I prayed the sinner’s prayer with my Dad and Mom before they left this world to make sure they were in.
By now I am seeking God day and night, and searching the scriptures continuously for answers as well as talking to anybody that knew the Lord, and that would listen to me. This question from the Lord would shape my life as well as my ministry forever. I notice everything I do in ministry revolves around sin. Why and how did sin kill Jesus? I have spent much time pondering The Lord’s visit with me that night.
When God breathed His breath, His spirit into Adam, he became a living soul [ or a soul that lives by God’s breath, God’s Spirit]
” And “so it is written, the first man Adam was made a living soul.” 1cor15:45. The Lord told Adam not to eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil for the day he ate he would surely die. Adam lived 930 years, but the Spirit of God that led Adam was now dead to Him Adam is now of the world. The wicked one would now have access to his life.” The living soul which is your mind, will, and emotions would no longer be spiritual, pure, and holy but would now have a death sentence. Adam sinned when he disobeyed God .“The soul that sins, it shall die.” Ezek18:4b. ” For the wages of sin is death.” Rom6:23 “He who knew no sin was made to be sin” 2cor5:21 [ He was made to be sin, so he could be killed to pay the wage that you owed. ”Yet it pleased the Lord to bruise Him; he hath put Him to grief.” Isaiah 53:10 [ Father God make the soul of His precious Son an offering for our sins ] Oh! how He suffered!
The Jimmy Story
Religion January 22, 2018
The Jimmy Story Are you hurting, or concerned over a loved one? Are you willing to love the Lord and trust Him with all your heart? If you Love the Lord, and trust enough to turn that loved one or any issue in your life over to Him; He will go to work for you. If it is a loved one, He will give them every opportunity to get right with Him. If you care, God cares. First of all, He cares about you and what you are going through. He is not willing that anyone should ever perish, but that they should be loved and free from sin and prosper in all their ways. The Lord gave me an understanding of this through a young man I met, named Jimmy; He worked for a man in Stuart, Fl. Jeff bought and sold cars. He would buy at the auction in Ft. Lauderdale and sale up and down the coast to dealers. I ask him if he would buy a specific car for me, for a fee, and he said he would. He called me and said he had purchased my car, but I would need to go with him the next day to the auction to pick it up. When he picked me up, he had Jimmy with him and he was going along to pick up another car. It turned out to be a long day. He made several stops doing business deals. Jimmy and I would stay outside, and I would talk to him about the Lord Jesus. Jimmy was polite and quiet, but he would never answer me. He had a Nazis swastika tattooed on his neck which did not seem to fit his “nice guy “image. I knew by his boss’s name that he was working for a Jew. This seemed strange to me.I seemed to be obsessed with getting Jimmy saved. I was on him all day. Late in the afternoon, I thought I was running out of time, and I said, “Jimmy, before you die, make sure you cry out, Jesus save me.” Then I said,” do you hear me, Jimmy? Remember Jimmy as you are dying, cry out, “Jesus save me.” I said it several times. He looked at me, and I am sure he thought, this old man is crazy. And I remember saying to myself, Bob, what is wrong with you? This young man is only 21 years old you have got to lighten up. This guy thinks you are a nut, and I was ready to agree with him Someone else purchased the car that was for me, so I rode back with Jeff. Jimmy drove another vehicle back. I talked to Jeff about Jesus. He said his dad was a Jew, but his mother was a Catholic, and he knew about Jesus, and he was going to do better. When we got to Jeff’s place, he had one car there with 10,000 miles on it. The car was 3 or 4 years old, but looked like new. I made the deal. He said he would have Jimmy detail it, and I could pick it up tomorrow. The next afternoon, he had not called, so I called him . He said, “Jimmy died.” I said, what do you mean Jimmy died! The boy was only 21, and in perfect health. He said Jimmy’s mother had called and told him that he came in around eleven last night and talked a while then went to bed. The next morning she went in to wake him, and he was dead. I told Jeff that I spoke to him about the Lord, and he said, he told me you did after you left. This is a mystery. I have no clue why Jimmy had to die, but this I know, Jimmy could not have died without me, or someone like me, that would tell him about Jesus. The Lord ordered that whole day on behalf of Jimmy. Some little Mother, Dad, or Granny had lit the fire of God over Jimmy’s life. I gave him the plan of salvation every way I knew how , and he never responded to me, but God purged Jimmy in his dying breath. What a Wonderful, Magnificent, Awesome, Loving Father and God we have. If you have a loved one out there and you have done all you know to do , just remember Father God is a family man. He doesn’t want you in heaven and your family member in hell, or suffering. Keep crying out, keep praying, start speaking with the authority that God has given you. God will consume their problem and cleanse them just for you, My friend. The word in your mouth can be someone else’s eternity. Pray, speak. Don’t forget Num23:19 “God is not a man, that he should lie,” you can, above all, trust what he has said. |
Understanding the Fire Power of God
Religion January 8, 2018
Understanding the Fire Power of God
The scripture says in Heb.12:29 that our God is a consuming fire. Over the years I have found it very difficult to understand the firepower of God. How do we get the fire and how do we use it in our lives and ministry? Jesus is the Baptizer of the Holy Spirit and fire. I see many flowing in the Holy Spirit, but I find it hard to see the fire. John the Baptist said Jesus would baptize us with fire as well as the Spirit. That’s two things. It should be a big deal. Just how do we use this fire of God that we are baptized with? I am not sure we know how this fire baptism works.
Luke 3:16, John answered, saying unto them all,” I indeed baptize you with water; but one mightier than I cometh, the latchet of whose shoes I am not worthy to unloose. He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.” I say, if we do not see the fire, we probably don’t know how to use it. I’m not sure that I understand the full meaning of the fire baptism by the Lord Jesus, but I will try to share what the Lord has shown me.
Several years ago as I lay down on my bed, I had a dream or a prophetic visitation. I was taken to this large field.It was longer than a football field but resembled a farm. I was leading a riding horse that was saddled up. I was carrying a bouquet of flowers in my right hand and leading the horse with my left. I came up to this village, and I saw several white frame houses in a semi-circle or half circle. Every home I saw was precisely alike: white and very clean and orderly. The yards were spotless. To the left and at the rear of each house was a pile of debris about two feet high. It looked like trimmings from a small orchard. In front of each pile stood a man with a torch in his hand with no fire. Every man was blocked. They had gone as far as possible in their own power. The pile of debris represented the problems in their life that would not go away, and yet they had pushed as hard as they could. They could not move the debris or get rid of it. The debris represents problems like lust, pornography, alcohol, drugs, procrastination, sickness and above all out of control children. Anything that was eating away at them. I came to this angel on my right hand who looked like a man, and I asked him,“What are all these men doing just standing here with these torches in their hands?”The angel said, “The Holy Ghost said when you light the fire, the rats and things will come running out, and he can destroy them.” Rats and thing are demons and strongholds that stand in your way- Anything that nibbles away at your life and hinders you or robs you of joy, peace, rest, prosperity, or the quality of life that you should be living as a child of God. [Notice, you have to light the fire before the Holy Ghost moves against the enemy.] I turned and said, “Light them!” When I spoke, each man lit his brush pile, and the fire fell from heaven and licked up all the debris. It did not leave so much as a matchstick! Then every man was free to move forward.The flames rose up and blanketed the whole sky before me. The flames formed into a ball of fire as large as a truck. The wind shifted, and the Spirit of God moved. The ball of fire came to me and consumed the flowers I was carrying and then consumed me. I was absorbed into the ball of fire and was baptized in it. I have struggled with the Lord for years for a proper understanding of all of this. I now know it was to be understood little by little as I ministered and matured along the way.The men with the torches, but no fire, represented the children of the kingdom who were truly living for Christ Jesus. The clean yard and spotless white houses described the condition of the believer’s life. They had tried their very best to live for the Lord and to help those they loved. The horse represented my ministry which was to come. I was not in the saddle because I was not quite ready My flowers which were consumed, were issues in my life: my brush pile which the Lord had to take away. God is a consuming fire. He purges away what we cannot get rid of ourselves. We need a better understanding of how to use the firepower of God. I think it is like everything else, the Word makes it work, or it doesn’t work. My words were made real when I used them, and so will yours be when you speak. I would think they could have lit the fire with better understanding.
Jer. 23:29– “Is not my word like as a fire? Saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?” Evidently, the fire is released through the spoken word of God. I did what the angel told the Holy Ghost I was to do; I said light them. I believe the people, who are baptized with fire, are the ones with the authority of God’s word in their mouth. His Word is like a fire when spoken with power and like a hammer that breaks down anything in the way. I kept thinking this Word was for me, but how many people could I help? This Word to light the fire of God is for all that will speak the Word with faith, boldness, and authority. The fire comes when one gets hold of God and refuses to let go. Get to know and to understand the baptism of fire when the fire was lit every man walked free from every hindrance.–
God Loves You. Fix your eye on the Straight Gate.