Gooch asks Kemp to end federal unemployment relief
News, State & National May 10, 2021
ATLANTA – Majority Whip and State Senator Steve Gooch (R-51) has asked Governor Brian Kemp (R) to halt the federal unemployment relief in Georgia.
In a letter sent to Kemp’s desk today, Gooch details how many small businesses are struggling to find people to work. Many restaurants can’t fully open because they don’t have the staff.
“While we are still recovering from the economic impact of the pandemic, local business owners are desperate for employees – not customers. Every job creator agrees that this workforce shortage is a direct result of the federal expanded unemployment benefits, where employees are incentivized to stay home and collect government checks that often exceed what they would earn at the job site. This labor shortage has caused many restaurants to alter their hours of operation and is having an oversized impact on the supply chain of every sector of the economy. In fact, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers cannot deliver their goods and services to their customers. Costs are skyrocketing due to limited inventories and Georgia businesses – and consumers – are struggling to foot the bill.” – Senator Steve Gooch
Gooch touches on teacher’s unions preventing parents from returning to work because some schools haven’t returned to in-person learning.
The Senator cites that a COVID-19 vaccine is widely available and free to whoever wishes to take it.
He urges Kemp to take executive action and stop the unemployment benefits or include the issue in a Special Session late this summer.
The American Rescue Plan signed by President Joe Biden (D) on March 11, 2021, extended Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC), Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA), and Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC) programs through September 6, 2021.
FPUC sends out a $300 weekly supplement until September 6, 2021 “as appropriate” and is subject to deductions, child support, and overpayment recoveries.
Last week, Florida’s Governor Ron DeSantis (R) moved to reinstate the weekly “work search” updates required to receive unemployment benefits. Florida suspended the measure when the pandemic began.
Georgia Department of Labor Commissioner Mark Butler (R) released an earlier statement that the Georgia requirements for unemployment are likely to return within the next few months.
“We are hearing from employers that are struggling to meet demand right now due to the lack of applicants for open positions,” said Georgia Labor Commissioner Mark Butler. “Our mission is to not only bridge the pay gap for those who are temporarily unemployed, but to also provide reemployment support for those who are looking to reenter the workforce filling the critical vacancies we are seeing in almost every industry right now.”
Will Gov. Kemp sign bills that dismantle immigration verification for some public benefits?
Opinion April 16, 2021
Written by: D.A. King
Kemp voted for the verification system when he was a state senator
Alert conservatives are watching to see if Gov. Kemp signs several Republican bills that quietly dismantle the system in place to verify lawful immigration status to obtain several categories of professional licenses. HB 395, HB 268, and HB 34 are examples.
The Georgia Chamber of Commerce pushed these measures with letters requesting support placed on legislators’ Chamber desks. Two of those letters are posted on the Dustin Inman Society website.
State law implemented in 2006 was an effort to prevent illegal aliens from accessing public benefits. The goal was to make Georgia less hospitable to illegal immigration. Professional licenses are public benefits under that law.
Georgia code (OCGA 50-36-1) requires that an applicant for public benefits swear on a notarized affidavit that he is either a U.S. citizen or a “lawfully present” and eligible foreign national. The applicant is required to present verifiable document to prove that eligibility. The foreign national’s ‘lawful presence’ is then verified using a federal database known as ‘SAVE.’
The legislation in question puts Georgia in interstate “compacts” that essentially require reciprocity in licensing and issuance procedures. “Interstate compacts are contracts that are negotiated between states. The US Supreme Court has held that the term “compact” should be understood to refer to a “contract” according to the Library of Congress.
Georgia would be joining compacts that honor the professional license of covered occupations for people who relocate from one participating state to another. If another state in the compact has issued a professional license to a resident for one of the covered professions the idea is to issue a license for the same job here without most of the current processing if that person migrates to Georgia.
The bills include provisions for quicker licensing for spouses of active duty military personnel.
If Kemp signs, the bill’s new law will eliminate the step of verifying the “lawful presence” of the covered applicant. The abbreviated licensing process would result in quicker participation in the workforce – and a more hospitable experience for illegal aliens.
The Chamber says this will make Georgia “a better state for business.”
Including the Speaker’s office and the Senate Majority Leader, the Dustin Inman Society alerted individual legislators in both the House and Senate about the result of the bills becoming law. We also asked several state senators for the citation of line numbers in the legislation containing language that would dispute our analysis of these bills. The sole response came from Senator Kay Kirkpatrick (R- Marietta) who replied, “…these bills are important to the military and passed the Senate unanimously. Compact language cannot be changed.” We are grateful to Sen. Kirkpatrick.
It appears the legislative choice was between compliance with the dictates of the business-first lobby or the preservation of procedures put in place to make Georgia less attractive to illegal immigration.
Georgia is home to more illegal aliens than Arizona, according to the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security.
Absence of media coverage or Republican resistance
We note the past press attention and the brutal fight to implement the verification law in question and the unsurprising absence of liberal media coverage on the decision to further the process of dismantling the law.
Between the three bills, there was only one “no” vote in the House and Senate. It came from Republican Rep Matt Dollar (R- Marietta) who voted against HB 34.
We also note that then-Senator and Public Safety Committee Chairman Brian Kemp voted in favor of the 2006 ‘Georgia Security and Immigration Compliance Act’ (SB529) that put the verification of lawful presence for public benefits in place (senate vote # 1037).
“Georgians are “fed up” with illegal immigration,” Kemp told the AJC then. They still are. But now that he is Governor, Kemp is conspicuously silent on the crisis.
As can be seen by a recent letter written by an angry retired federal immigration agent, pro-enforcement Georgia voters are not willing to overlook that silence.
The phone number at Gov. Kemp’s Capitol office is 404-656-1776.
D.A. King is president of the Georgia-based Dustin Inman Society. He has assisted Georgia legislators with illegal immigration legislation since 2005.
King Keeps Lawmakers in Hot Seat Over Immigration
BKP Politics, News, Politics, State & National January 29, 2021
ELLIJAY, Ga – Immigration enforcement proponent D.A. King raised concerns about the future of federal program 287(g) and Governor Brian Kemp’s dedication to ending illegal immigration in Georgia.
King started by highlighting his better part of two decades focused on the issues of illegal immigration. What’s more, he serves as President and Founder of the Dustin Inman Society, a 501(c)(4). This nonprofit was formed in 2005 in honor of Dustin Inman who died after Gonzalo Harrell-Gonzalez, a Mexican national rear-ended the vehicle of Billy and Kathy Inman while stopped at a traffic light in Ellijay. Harrell-Gonzalez would later flee the country after his recovery from a local hospital. Injuries sustained from Billy and Kathy Inman were life-altering enough that they were unable to attend their son’s funeral.

Dustin Inman
Dustin’s Father would spend his remaining years advocating for tougher immigration policies while caring for his wife until his death of a heart attack on June 7, 2019.
One of King’s concerns is the fate of the federal program 287(g), which was designed to help local law enforcement ID, process, and expedite the removal of aliens with criminal or pending charges. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security acknowledges the program has contributed to over nine hundred assault convictions and nearly 40 individuals convicted of homicide, just in 2020 alone. King believes the Biden Administration will take a blanket amnesty approach that threatens the program. Currently, six agencies in Georgia use the 287(g) program.
Governor Brian Kemp’s in King’s crosshairs as well for his alleged failed campaign promise on immigration. With heightened awareness on the economy, social justice, and the pandemic, King says, “he [Kemp] has betrayed them” on the issue of immigration enforcement. While Kemp was vocal about the issue during his 2018 bid for Governor, Kemp failed to mention immigration in his State of the State Address to legislators on January 13 of this year.
Consequently, King vows to continue putting pressure on lawmakers to ensure immigration enforcement policy isn’t lost in the conversation, especially as we enter the 2022 race for Governor. about Kemp’s shelter in place order
News, State & National April 3, 2020
ATLANTA, Ga – Gov. Brian Kemp’s shelter in place order took effect on Friday, April 3 at 6 p.m. and will last until Monday, April 13, unless otherwise extended. The order came after Kemp reportedly just learned about asymptomatic transmission of COVID-19.
Under the shelter in place order, Kemp placed travel restrictions on residents except for “essential services,” “minimal basic operations,” and “critical infrastructure” workers.
Residents can only receive visitors that provide essential services – medical and supplies, end-of-life care, and items necessary for daily life. Visitors must maintain six feet of distance from residents. These directives will be strictly enforced in nursing homes and long-term care facilities.
Essential services include necessary provisions trips to stores and pharmacies, medical visits, emergency services, and outdoor exercise – six feet apart from others. Citizens are encouraged to use delivery and curbside services over in-store shopping.
Critical Infrastructure is identified by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, such as home care, hospice, suppliers, legal services, health care, food banks, and non-profit mental health services. Local ordinances can’t impede these organizations.
Minimum Basic Operations include the bare necessities in order to maintain businesses as well as allow them to remain open under the order. Remote work and outside jobs like landscaping, agriculture, contractors, and delivery services are still possible under the order.
All Critical and Non-Critical Infrastructure businesses must implement the following mitigation measures:
- Screen workers for sickness including fevers of 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit or more, cough, and shortness of breath.
- Workers who exhibit symptoms must stay home.
- Regular sanitation of business and place hand sanitation encouragement in visible areas.
- Required employee handwashing or sanitation as appropriate places in business.
- Provide protective equipment as available and appropriate.
- Prohibit employee gatherings while at work.
- Permit breaks to be taken outside, individual’s office desk, or where social distancing is possible.
- Implement telework for all possible employees and hold all meetings virtually.
- Stagger shifts.
- Deliver intangibles remotely when possible.
- Discourage workers from using other employees’ phones.
- Prohibit handshakes.
- Suspend use of PIN pads for entry, electronic signature capture, and any other credit card receipt signature requirements.
- Enforce social distancing
- Provide an alternate point of sale for retailers and service providers
- Increase distance between customers and employees.
- Provide disinfectant and sanitation tools to employees.
- Create six feet of distance between workspaces.
Restaurants, diners, bars, social clubs, gyms, bowling alleys, theaters, venues, salons, body art studios, and massage parlors are now closed until the order ends. Takeout, curbside, and delivery are permitted. This doesn’t apply to health care or nursing home cafeterias, but in-room dining is strongly encouraged.
If an emergency that requires residents to leave their homes, then the shelter in place order can be overlooked.
On April 3, Kemp deputized local law enforcement to ensure everyone follows the shelter in place order.
Local government can’t pass any ordinances that don’t fall in line with the shelter in place order. They can, however, pass ordinances that “enforce compliance with the order.”
Kemp, Carden deploy soldiers to fight COVID-19 in long-term care facilities
Press Release, State & National March 31, 2020
Atlanta, GA – Over the next few weeks, Governor Brian P. Kemp and Georgia National Guard Adjutant General Tom Carden will activate and deploy over 100 Guardsmen to any long-term care facility – assisted living facility or nursing home – with COVID-19 cases. The Governor and Adjutant General will send troops to specific locations to implement infection control protocols and enhanced sanitation methods to mitigate COVID-19 exposure among vulnerable residents.
“Georgia’s top priority is increasing healthcare capacity to protect vulnerable Georgians, especially those residing in long-term care facilities,” said Governor Kemp. “If we can keep these populations as healthy as possible, we will be able to conserve precious medical supplies and hospital bed space in the coming days and weeks.”
“The Georgia National Guard stands ready to assist any long-term care facility in this time of need through staff training and implementation of infectious disease control measures,” said Adjutant General Tom Carden. “Our training has prepared us to fight this virus, and we are eager to lend a hand in this battle.”
Twenty soldiers are headed to Pelham, Georgia today to Pelham Parkway Nursing Home to audit existing sanitation methods, train staff on utilizing more aggressive infectious disease control measures, and thoroughly clean the facility. This facility has reported five confirmed cases of COVID-19. For future missions, only four or five soldiers will deploy to a specific facility. However, for Pelham Parkway Nursing Home, twenty soldiers are going for training purposes.
This assignment is the first of several missions based on close cooperation with the Georgia National Guard, Department of Public Health, Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency, Georgia Health Care Association, and Georgia Center for Assisted Living.
Kemp Closes K-12 Public Schools Through April 24
Announcements, Featured, News, Press Release March 26, 2020
Atlanta, GA – Today Governor Brian P. Kemp issued Executive Order closing public elementary and secondary schools for in-person instruction through April 24, 2020. Students may return to school on Monday, April 27, 2020.
“I am deeply grateful to State School Superintendent Richard Woods, the Georgia Department of Education, superintendents, and parents for keeping us informed and helping us make the right decision for our students,” said Governor Kemp. “Throughout this process, we will continue to seek the advice of public health officials, school leaders, and families to ensure the health and safety of the educational community. As we approach April 24, 2020, we ask for continued patience and flexibility since circumstances may change, but we encourage families to stay strong and follow the guidance of federal, state, and local leaders in the weeks ahead.”
The University System of Georgia and Technical College System of Georgia will remain closed for in-person instruction through the rest of the semester since students have already transitioned to all online learning.
To read Kemp’s latest update on the COVID-19 in Georgia, click here.
Kemp: Public Health Emergency in Georgia Effective Tomorrow
Press Release, State & National March 13, 2020
Atlanta, GA – Governor Brian Kemp’s office released a press release on Friday, March 13 to announce the intention to declare Georgia’s first public health emergency.
Following President Trump’s national emergency declaration today, Governor Kemp issued the following statement:
“Based on President Trump’s emergency declaration, I will declare a public health emergency for the State of Georgia tomorrow morning. This declaration will greatly assist health and emergency management officials across Georgia by deploying all available resources for the mitigation and treatment of COVID-19. In accordance with state law, I will call for a special session of the General Assembly to convene at the State Capitol at 8 AM on Monday, March 16, 2020 to ratify this action through a joint resolution.
“At this time, it is appropriate for faith-based organizations and similar entities to consider cancellation of public events and services. Contact your local public health office or consult official sources, such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Georgia Department of Public Health, for helpful guidance on decision-making. Elderly citizens and those with chronic, underlying health conditions face a serious threat to their health, and we must do everything in our power to reduce risk associated with this virus. Continue to support one another, be mindful of potential exposure, use best practices to prevent infection, and pray for your fellow Americans in the weeks ahead.”
After reviewing state records, it appears that Governor Kemp’s declaration tomorrow will constitute Georgia’s first-ever public health emergency. The applicable code section is O.C.G.A. 38-3-51.
For updates on COVID-19, follow @GeorgiaEMA, @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Twitter and @GEMA.OHS, @GaDPH and @GovKemp on Facebook. For more information, visit the DPH’s coronavirus webpage at