POWER AND WAR – The book Doctrine of demons


If you have been in a mental institution in a small town of forty-three hundred, and a small Baptist Church, in a farm community you would need to try to guess who didn’t know it. Everyone knew all about me, yet no one knew me at all. The word from the Church was I had gotten treatment, and doing better. I will admit it did give me an empty feeling being labeled I went back to my business as if I had never left, but I could Practly hear what my employees, were thinking. Very little was ever said to me, but looks and feelings speak well. I tend to stay away from the Church and the Pastor for a while my wife eventually work through her situation, and although it did not go well for me at the time, we began to rebuild our marriage and lived happily ever after.

I felt like I had been through war from the time I got saved; I had battled with the devil, and watching a person totally possesses before my very eyes. I had spent several hours talking to a lying devil that I thought was God I had learned from firsthand experience the power of the Holy Spirit that was available to the Church, but it looks like I was working behind the scenes. The Church and the Pastors were totally blinded to it all. I thought about Bill in the Nuthouse walking around all day saying what are you going to do the devil says he is mighty. God says he is almighty. If Bill knew God in his fullness would he need to be there? Did the devil; park him there? I even wondered if the devil twisted the mind of the black lady that thought she was white, after all, I did see him twist a person’s face and a language. Was most of what I saw there of the devil I wonder? What you let bring you down, or conquer you, will lead, and guide you.

 As for me, I decided nothing has changed in my life I don’t need to do one thing different I’m going to work hard and keep seeking the Lord with all my heart just like always.  Nothing was wrong before I was put away, and nothing is wrong now. I will just keep going.

I keep thinking how I can let everybody know that there are two worlds here the kingdom of darkness, and the kingdom of light. I was living in one and fighting against the other. The devil world is bigger than our Godly kingdom by that I mean he is doing more harm than we are good, but it is a hard sell to make.no one wanted to believe it. It is like everybody has a Bible, everybody knows it’s true, few believe it. Everyone not born again is living in and under the authority of the kingdom of darkness. Remember what the apostle John said,” we are of God little children, and the whole world, {outside of us the Church} lies in wickedness.”(First John 5:19)

I decided it would be about as hard to get the Church to believe in an active devil as it would get kids to quit believing in Santa Clause. As for me, I will never look back again, and I knew that I can’t t be taken out by the devil I am locked down tighter than ever with the Lord. I think it is still a mystery why the devil waged such war against me I was certainly not bothered him I vaguely believed he existed. Our church was no threat to him whatsoever you would think he would have left well enough alone.

The Lord Jesus made a very interesting statement in the book of John (chapter 10:10) He said the devil comes not, but to kill, steal, and to destroy. Think about that this is his day job, and he moonlights full time also.  He is a full-time devil. The devil is a seven days a week, twenty-four hours a day warrior, killer, and thief against you, that is all he does. He doesn’t sleep he never eats’, he doesn’t labor, he never needs to rest he only kills, steal, and destroys, and he never stops doing it The Apostle Peter says, he just walks about seeking whom he may devour.

The Apostle Paul also said 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. You better have something going for like a lot of armor when you take a swing at the spirit of darkness.

 Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; when the devil sees the breastplate of righteousness on you, and he knows that it fits you and the fire of the sword of the spirit coming out of your mouth which is the anointed word of God, you look like a giant to him, and he’s gong

 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace; Let me boost you up a little here, he hates the gospel of peace coming out of the mouth of one that he knows believes it.

Above all, taking the shield of faith wherewith, ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one. When he knows that your shield, your faith is real he is out he knows that he would only be swinging at the wind

 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God: When the word and spirit come out of your mouth, and he knows you own it, it is like a flame thrower to him. ( Eph chapter: six.)

 Are you and your family ready for that?  Let me ask you a question how much time have you spent in the word of God learning defense? The jails are full, the prisons are overcrowded, and our children, husband, or wife are strung out on drugs this list could run forever. If you knew the devils work as you should, you would put on the armor of God and pick up the sword of the spirit, and never take the amour off or put the sword down again. You can’t fight a full-time warrior, part-time. You say, Bob, that just sounds crazy, and we don’t hear that in church, and I say I met a lot of your church folks, even your kids while I was ministries in Jails, and prisons. It cost about as much to run the jails and prisons today than it does our schools, and the prison, and jail population is growing faster than the Church. Wake up world.

 The Lord Jesus told the Apostle Paul to turn men from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God. The Lord Jesus knew that men were in the power of darkness, and under the power of Satan Jesus knew just what he was talking about, and we would be wise to listen. I feel like our nation is moving into darkness rather than running to the light. The kingdom of God is a mighty force I think we are very strong I think we are powered up by the wonderful love of God, and I love it.  I never stop trying to learn I just can’t get enough of the Lord or the breathern. I hope you feel the same way. I think we are very weak as warriors Jesus said, “I give you power over all the power of the enemy.” So why then is there more living in the dark side of the world than they that are walking in the light where the real marines for the Lord here. We are not waging war as we should against the one we have power over.

All it takes to be a great warrior for the Lord according to James is submit yourself to God, and resist the devil, and he will flee from you. I have learned that you can’t totally submit to God unless you have proven Him, and learn to trust him, and you can’t do that until you are rooted, and grounded in His word, and you cannot make use of the sword of the spirit unless you are full of the spirit. Jesus said my word is spirit, and it is life. This is a simple formula, but I find that most of the Church make a very poor warrior.

I have been watching what has been going on in Syria over the last six or seven years. It seems like the world just watches as it deteriorates to nothing, our last administration drew a line in the sand and did nothing as we watched as they just seem to paint over the line. At one time I watched as five countries were bombing Syria at one time. I think about every country that has a bomb has dropped it on Syria. 500,000 have been killed 5 to 6 million has run for their lives or have been driven out their country 2.6 million children are living in refugee camps the country where the first Gentile church was birth is now owned and operates by Islam under the authority of Mahomet I remember the words of the Lord Jesus when He said “The devil comes only to kill, still, and to destroy. Please remember he doesn’t do anything else. Here is why I think we can apply this to Syria

  • The first Christian Church was born in Antioch Syria
  • There is an Antioch Turkey, but the Church came out of Syria
  • The disciples were first called Christian in Antioch Syria
  • The Apostle Paul Was called by the Master on the Damascus Road in Syria
  • The  Apostle Paul was Baptist with the Holy Ghost with the laying on of the hands of Ananias in Damascus Syria
  • The Apostle Paul worked  throughout  all Syria from the Antioch Church
  • Apostles and prophets were sent from the Church in Jerusalem to help establish the Church in Antioch
  • No one knows where to find the Church of Antioch today.
  • Matthews 4:24 Speaking of  Jesus, “And his fame went throughout all Syria: and they brought unto him all sick people that were taken with divers diseases and torments, and those which were possessed with devils, and those which were lunatic, and those that had the palsy; and he healed them”

If there are any Christians left they are hiding and suffering much. I can’t see the hand of God destroying what He set in order, His Church.

Here again, I’m only trying to remind you that if you are a Christian, you should be a soldier for the Lord, we are the only Army God has. The devil is always on the battlefield. From my own experience, he knows every move you make. To me, it seems like he just hates our sons and daughters. Please remember if you know who you are in the Lord, he will know that, if you use your authority he will back off. The devil doesn’t fight he deceives when he knows that you have his number he becomes powerless, and he will be gong. When you are giving him the boot don’t forget to tell him how much you love Jesus.

Weekly Word Devotion


Stephen A. Brown, Marketplace Ministries, inc.

The thing that separates Christianity from other world religions is grace. While other religions teach works are needed to earn eternal life, the Bible states its a grace gift. Ephesians 2:8,9 “For by grace are you saved through faith; and not of yourselves: it is the gift of God; not of works, least any man should boast.” Verse 10, “We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.” May our good works be a witness of a changed life.

The Barbarians Are Coming


The Barbarians Are Coming

The panic from Sweden’s National Police Commissioner, was a call for help reporting that Islamic Immigrants have armed and by default, seized great parts of many of Sweden’s cites and towns creating absolute “no go” areas, total enclaves of Shariah Law, where crime and instability is pushing Swedish law enforcement to the point of collapse. The next step, he said, was to call in the military. Swedish progressives, in line with Germany’s Angela Merkel, have willfully imported Islam into their midst where it has metastasized and is growing like a cancer and now, Sweden may stand at the brink of civil war.

The onslaught of muslim immigrants welcomed into Europe by the European Union, do not want to assimilate as Europeans. The very fact they are Muslims, followers of Allah and his prophet Mohammad, shows they are only interested in importing their life style, their culture and Islam.

They see Western culture as decadent, its citizens as infidel apostates to the faith, who will either convert of die. That is the flash point Sweden is now facing. Will the Swedish people continue to listen to unelected bureaucrats in Brussels tell them that Islam is a religion of peace, and to get over it? Will Americans fall into the same rhetoric trap? Upheaval is now everywhere.

In our own hemisphere Venezuela has been reduced to poverty, starvation and street warfare. Cuba, the other socialist utopia in our hemisphere, having already arrived at poverty and starvation long ago, just waits to die. And, here in America, the Progressive Democrat party is urging their minions to “resist,” and go out and “hunt Republicans” as one has already done.

Have we Americans lost the stomach to defend ourselves against the on rushing tide of barbaric Islam? Is there some valid reason we must accept their values over ours, simply because they will be offended if we don’t? It’s happening everywhere, we see a disintegrating Europe on television and yet we hesitate to stand up and say enough of this Islamic BS. It’s time to round them up and send them all back because they’re not wanted here.

Is our Christianity even worth the effort to preserve it? Absolutely! Can our Christianity protect us? Probably not! Do we even believe we need a moral code to guide us anymore? Progressives have all but convinced us to toss it away. Porn, LBGT’s, and gay marriages is evidence enough it’s probably already long gone. But, many still struggle on keeping the faith.

Decades of Progressives diversity nonsense and political correctness has dampened our will, polluted our cognitive thinking and criminalized the common sense needed to protect ourselves. Even Bishops of the Catholic Church, smarting no doubt from the still lingering effects of decades of unrestrained pedophilia, now can’t seem to move fast enough to welcome Islam into our midsts, accommodate their every want and encourage their parishioners to do so as well. What the hell is going on here? They once lead the charge against Islam. Have they abandoned the message of Christ?

If Islam doesn’t overwhelm us militarily, they’ll do it stealthily by out producing us in children, while we merrily go about murdering our own future in the womb and glorify the nature of LGBT’s who don’t/won’t reproduce anyway. That lack of reproduction, and therefore workers to contribute to the social security rolls, has been the excuse politicians needed to overwhelm us with the foreign workers, even odious ones. The welfare rolls must be maintained. Robots don’t pay welfare. Keep your eyes on Sweden. The answer lies there. That could be our fate. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!



Are You a Righteous Person?

1Cor1:9 “God is faithful, through whom ye were called into the fellowship of his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.” Do you think the Father would call us into fellowship with His Son if we were not righteous? You can, and should be righteous.  Righteousness means having the ability to stand in the presence of Father God without the sense of guilt or condemnation. Think of receiving eternal life, the nature of God Almighty. You come into His family and partake of His Divine Nature.  You are free from the fear of Satan and can stand in his presence without any sense of inferiority. Satan cannot pierce through the armor of righteousness.

 Eph 6:14” Stand, therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness.” His righteousness will become a wall against the enemy when you learn to wear it. Put it on.  Make it happen. The very next verse tells you that you will not make it to” happy land” if you fail the righteousness test.

1st Cor. 6:9 says, “Know you not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God.” Listen to me! Don’t be deceived!

A righteous person is one who is living out his life through the Son of God and has walked out of his old lifestyle into the new Kingdom of God. He has changed worlds. My friend, you get into the new kingdom by being washed in the blood of the Lamb, Christ Jesus. He alone is righteous and the maker of your righteousness. Where does your family stand?

You might be thinking,” Bob, no one can be that righteous.” O yes, you can because of a loving, kind, and good Father. Our Father God draws you to His preciousSon, Christ Jesus, who washes you in His own blood: The blood that makes you whiter than snow. All you need to do, my friend, is to believe it, step into it and thenstep out and live it.

Listen, the desire to get rid of sin consciousness has given birth to all the religions of the world, but Satan and the sin problem are still here. Remember now sin makes cowards of men. Sin consciousness holds us in bondage.  But God has made provision for making a new you. He has planned to impart His nature to you, taking out the old sin nature and replacing it with His Godly nature.

Rom 6:23 says, “The wages of sin is death.” Sin has to be abolished in your life by the Lord Jesus so you might be made the righteousness of God, in Him. My friend, your sin is dead unto the Lord. Look at the price paid for you. It makes you feel like you truly are somebody, doesn’t it?

1Pet 3:18 “For Christ has once suffered for sin, the Just for the unjust.(  or the Righteous for the unrighteous ) that He might bring us to God, being put to death (killed) in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.” He covered you.  He made the new you.

1Pet. 2:24 “Who His own self-bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness.”  Look, if you have not come to Jesus with your sins, then hell will be your final home!  Listen, my friend, repent today.  Can you see your sins in his body hanging on a bloody tree?  It’s time to walk away from all sin .2Cor.5:21.”For He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.

 2 Cor5:17”Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things become new.” This new person has never lived before He is now a new, righteous creature!  You’re a brand new self. There is nothing in the book against you; it is just as if you had never sinned.

  Rom8:1”There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.” You are now made right, put right.

The sense of unworthiness destroys faith and robs us of our peace of mind. Only Jesus can replace unworthiness. Are you washed in the blood?  Have you tasted his wonderful love?  Listen, love is our sin cover.

 Heb 9:26 “Now once at the end of the age has He been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.”  In the garden, Adam had perfect fellowship with God before the devil deceived him.  Now that lost righteousness has been restored to us, the believer, through the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. He broke sin’spower for the believer.

Living a righteous life unto the Lord brings peace. It brings rest. It brings joy, and better health. Living righteously gives you a sense of well-being. It brings blessings and prosperity to every area of your life through the presence of the Holy Spirit that is dwelling in you.

. The righteousness of Christ Jesus is to and for all men who will believe. Never again should you see yourself as “a poor sinner”, if you are born again. Don’t look atyourself as a failure and sin- ruled. Why not? Because the Father Himself planned the redemption and brought it about through His precious Son, Christ Jesus. He has set His seal upon the redemptive work of Jesus making you, the believer, righteous.

John 16:33 Jesus said, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” Make sure you are all the way out of the world, and into His kingdom, where He can cover you.

Matt28:18 And Jesus came and spoke unto them, saying, “All power is given unto Me in heaven and in earth.”If Jesus has all power on the earth, then the devil has no power except what he steals from you, or you let him take away. Speak to the devil with authority and, you can take out of his mouth what he has gobbled up from you.

1Pet5:8, “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour.” That is you, and that is true. The devil hates God’s  righteous sons and daughters. He wants to keep you living on Wrong Street. If the devil can make you feel unrighteous, then he can influence your thinking which will affect your decisions. Don’t let the attacks get to you, Put up a good fight remember;

David didn’t make David famous, Goliath did..

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Thank you,

Dr. Bob Allen

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