Part 2: Sin Killed Jesus. Dividing the soul and spirit


The Lord knew the road  the knowledge of the tree of good and evil would take Adam down, and that sin would kill him because he had eaten from the tree. He knew the lust that would be in the soul and the flesh of man.God is love.  God is Spirit and can only lead us by His Spirit, His Word, and His love. The Spirit of God does not feed or satisfy the desires of the flesh or the soul unless the soul has been converted back to Him.

 Adam would no longer be led only by God, but by the spirit of darkness.  Adam’s desires would now come through the demands of the flesh and the decision of the soul. The soul, his mind, will, and emotions, would no longer be pure. The wicked one whom Adam had obeyed can now lead him by his flesh as it makes the demands upon the soul. The devil operates in the hidden darkness. He can’t touch our spirit. If we belong to God, we are sealed! We are zip- locked in. We are led by God’s Holy Spirit, and the more of His Word we take in, the more influence our spirit will have on our lives. The spirit works from inside of you to the outside. The soul and body, however, have to be fulfilled by the things on the outside of this fallen sin ruled world. This is where the devil tries to step in and offer you this, that, and another thing. In other words, he offers”nothing for everybody.” The soul operates through taste, touch,see, feel, hear,and smell. And all the lust of the world flows through these streams.Once man drew the knowledge, and the dark power of evil from that tree of good and evil, it is his. Out of that tree comes every temptation that is in the world .The desires of the body and soul are many many times stronger than the spirit. All the spirit needs to be secure and complete in God, is His spirit, His word, His love, His mercy and His grace. Your living soul is not the same as your spirit. The soul and spirit can be divided. If you are born again, your soul will be saved, and it will go with you to heaven, but if you are not saved, it will go to hell with you.

 The Word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit.” Heb 4:12, the great divider is The Word. Do you believe It enough to act on it or not?  

I believe these experiences of Jesus with Peter are the best examples I can find of the dividing of the soul and spirit. When Jesus said to Peter, “come,” Peter stood on the water on the word of Jesus, which is spirit. When Peter looked at the storm,  he saw it with the eyes of his soul, and he was filled with fear; standing on spirit, but looking with the soul at the same time. The spirit and soul were divided. He had been standing on the faith of Jesus. If Jesus had said to Peter, I have the storm covered; he would have walked right through the storm. Peter had not been converted at this time. “Jesus said,  when you are converted strengthen you’re the brethren.” Peter did not receive the spirit until Jesus breathed on him. Therefore, the  spirit was not in him. He could only see through his soul. When Peter cried out for Jesus to save him, Jesus said, “oh you of little faith, wherefore did youdoubt.”Mt.14:31 the soul can never believe for more than it can see.

Although Jesus was God made flesh, the Son of Man, Christ Jesus, was 100% man. When He was on the cross, His spirit said Father into your hands I commend my spirit. His suffering soul, on the cross,cried out MY GOD! My God! Why have you forsaken me? We must as children of God have a perfectunderstanding of sin; to hate it as we should and to move others away from it. Today sin is toocommonplace,even within the church.

When Jesus was being tried , This good man, Peter who had spent over three years with Jesus,denied Him.  This perfectly taught man said three times, I don’t know the man. So the best, of the best of men, without the spirit in him, is nothing but a liar. His life is a lie.  No liar will ever enter the gates of heaven. Rev 21:8”…. all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone.” The soul will never value anyone or anything above itself, and it’s will to care for itself. Much more to come on sin, share with everybody, share with your pastor. The Lord has a cry in his heart for those trapped in sin, and not getting help. Do you have  friends and family that you need to be fighting for, praying for, and talking to?


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