Why Republicans Are Losing Their Message
Opinion, Politics November 30, 2020Written And Submitted By: George McClellan
Do you remember the GOP’s last Speaker of the House Paul Ryan? He, and other RiNO’s like him, are the reason why Conservatism and the GOP is losing arguments in the field of political persuasion. Ryan said it was time for Trump to “move on from his election loss to President-elect Joe Biden.” Why does Ryan want to gaff off so serious an attack against our electoral process? Is it so the Deep State Establishment can continue to survive?
In remarks to a Bank of America virtual European Credit Conference, Ryan urged an end to ‘speculation’ over ‘alleged’ widespread voter fraud. Why? He said a peaceful transfer of power will be the healthiest move for the country. Sure it would, just like the peaceful transfer of power Democrats lavished on Donald Trump. Of course, Ryan’s opinion is complete nonsense because the ‘speculation’ he derides is supported by enough facts as to make the theft of this election more than probable. The “their’s no evidence” cacophony from the media is like Juan Williams on the “Five” shouting simply to wear ’em down. Ignore them!
Ryan complained that “These legal challenges to the outcome and the attacks on our voting system really need to stop! The outcome will not be changed, and it will only serve to undermine our faith in our system of government, our faith in our democracy.” What Ryan misses of course is, if the national election process isn’t corrected, people will simply no longer participate. The criminal Democrat party would welcome that very outcome. This election must be challenged!
Taking Hillary Clinton’s advice, Trump has not conceded. Litigation underway in several key battleground states may actually restore the balance and that will drive the Left nuts. Ryan added: “a peaceful transfer of power is needed to uphold the country’s democratic institutions.” Well, now it’s those “democratic” Institutions that need to be torn down, isn’t it?
Further, Ryan said: “The election is over. The outcome is certain; I think it’s really important that we respect that, (Why?) We respect the will of the people, and if we don’t, we end up doing damage to our country, to our democratic institutions and norms and to the cause of freedom.” If Ryan truly believes that, he’s a dim bulb indeed. The damage is done and will continue until fair and honest elections are conducted; elections that require a photo ID, on election day.
Ryan said he understood:“the disappointment of losing a national election, adding that Trump voters should not buy into what the president’s legal team is saying about voter fraud. (Why?)I know there are a lot of people in this country who are really disappointed. But I think it’s really important that we’re clear about this, which is the mere fact that the president’s lawyers throw these sort of baseless conspiracy theories out at press conferences but offer no evidence of these in court tells you that there is not the kind of widespread voter fraud or systemic voter fraud that would be required to overturn the outcome of this election.” Clearly, the conspiracy suspicions are not baseless as Ryan wants us to accept. Didn’t the FBI, DoJ, CIA and DNI’s, top officials criminally conspired to bring down Donald Trump? Was that baseless? Its on record.
Ryan doesn’t like Trump because Trumps is not one of them. Ryan, a swamp creature, trashed Trump to Tim Alberta, editor of the Politico, for his book American Carnage. Ryan accused Trump of not knowing how to govern. “I’m telling you, he didn’t know anything about government … I wanted to scold him all the time,” Trumps four years of unprecedented economic, social and foreign policy success tells a different story. Ryan and the others like him will plot like a cancer, against conservative Republican success. We know where to look, we need to take action.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em! (25Nov20)
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