We’re Blind To What’s Coming
Opinion October 4, 2017
We’re Blind to What’s Coming
Let’s see if we can figure this one out. ISIS claims 64 year old Stephen Paddock, the mass murderer in Las Vegas, was a convert to Islam fulfilling their call to conduct lone-wolf attacks in the West. Almost Immediately the FBI tells us there’s absolutely no such connection; and this conclusion from an agency that is still trying to pin Trumps November election victory to Russian collusion.
The shooter may, or may not, be a convert to Islam but I’ll bet he was really a deranged Democrat who voted for Bernie Sanders. His daddy, Patrick Benjamin Paddock, was a psycho bank robber, prison escapee and once on the FBI’s ten most wanted list.
The Islamic State, of course, immediately claimed credit for the mass shooting in Vegas that greeted us early this Monday morning. ISIS also claimed the attacker had converted to Islam only a few months ago. Quoting the ISIS propaganda source, Amaq, they said: “The Las Vegas attack was carried out by a soldier of the Islamic State and he carried it out in response to calls to target states of the coalition.” Maybe? They’ll claim about anything but…?
Following the same sources, we now learn that ISIS is stepping up their game, possibly to be in synch with planned riots and confrontations planned by the deranged anarchists, “antifa, Black Lives Matter, New Black Panther Party,” et.al., demanding that Donald Trump be removed from his office. They want Trump gone and civil conflict, they believe, is their vehicle to do it. Throw in the Jihadists threat, like ISIS, the lone wolf attacks and the screaming propaganda drowning out voices of common sense, and the way to war may soon be on us. It will not be nice.
Paddock may, or may not, have been ordered by ISIS to do this wicked deed. But, we do know that ISIS is calling for more lone wolf attacks, in Chicago, Austin, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Philadelphia, home of the first Colonial American attack against Great Britain. Islam likes anniversaries and use them as excuses to pillage and murder and, make their statement.
ISIS spokesman Abu Al-Hassan Al-Muhajir is reported urging lone wolf attacks in America, Russia and Europe. Al Hassan said: ‘Know that our war with our enemy is an all out war and the interests of the enemy can be easily targeted,’ ‘Make sure they are preoccupied with their own safety, thus diverting their attention away from your Caliphate.’ Should we take him at his word? Probably! If we are to protect ourselves we must know our enemy even when our leaders insist that Islam is a religion of peace and that we are all haters, racists and Islamaphobes if we don’t accept them as is, Shariah law and all. Not on my watch!
The tawdry NFL issues spawned by Colin Kaepernick two years ago over due respect to our flag and National Anthem, the assault against Confederate statues and battle flags, and the massive destruction to Puerto Rico by hurricanes Irma and Maria, not forgetting Harvey, is taking our attention away from the enemy at the gates. Jihadists are here and more are coming.
We will soon be overrun by twelve hundred years of inbreds from the middle-east whose only hope for racial salvation is through re-creation with non tainted women of the West. It cannot be done without submitting—to Islam.
We’ve been warned. There is a threat to Trump that if he doesn’t step down from office, “all hell will break loose.” Can we believe that? Yes, if the dementia displayed by the Progressives and their acolytes against Donald Trump are any guide to go by, we had better be prepared.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way, Now, go get ‘em! (02Oct17)
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