The Unsinkable Donald Trump


I wonder if any of those lost souls who stood trembling at the deck rails of the unsinkable RMS
Titanic just prior to being sucked down into the murky depth of history really believed, for even a
micro-second, that they would actually be saved at the very last moment?

Did they think, irrevocably doomed as they were by the ships captain who ignored ice warnings
and steered his mighty vessel, it’s throbbing engines hurtling it forward in a straight course into
the icy North Atlantic, all to achieve a speed crossing record, was worth all the hoopla? Did they
have to die horribly as they did, frozen in their own deck chairs as they sank to the bottom?

Captain Pelosi of the SS DNC, against her better judgement, turned control of her ship over to a
Junior Officer, Mr. Adam Schiff, who is consciously running her ship of state into the dangerous
fields of political machinations that lay dead ahead. There’s a story here but, don’t wait for the
book, watch the movie: “The Addlepated Adventures of Adam Schiff.”

Schiff has doggedly continued his pursuit of invented truth even after ten days of inconclusive,
mind numbing testimony, banal comments and startling non-revelations about the conduct of the
President of the United States vis a vis, the new President of the Ukraine, and has nothing to
show for it. All has been for naught. Not one of Schiff’s hand picked witnesses could confirm any
of Schiff’s contentions about a criminal President Donald Trump. Not one!

Breathless impeachment testimony under Schiff’s withering direct questioning, quickly turned to
nonsensical drivel when the Republicans had their turn. The pointed question by Republican
Committee members, filled the hastily scribbled note books of reporters present with scathing
contradictions by witnesses who weren’t there revealing absolutely no crimes, high or low or
even misdemeanors by President Trump. It’s the same queasy feeling one gets when they
realize they haven’t eaten anything since their wholesome bowl of morning porridge.

Next up, is writing Schiff’s official Intelligence Committee Report to be sent to the House Judicial
Committee. Oh my God, it’s the first half of “Dumb and Dumber” the hapless Jerry Nadler whose
own inept attempt to destroy Donald Trump left viewers reeling in laugher. As we watch this
drama unfold, don’t expect Jerry Nadler to ask for assistance from Doug Collins (R-Ga), in
drawing up the four articles of impeachment Schiff thinks he has achieved to reset the 2016
election of Donald Trump. It ain’t gonna happen!

I don’t believe Pelosi can really be serious about sending this travesty to the Senate. It’s simply
too dangerous for them because the options for proceeding are fraught with unknown traps.
Mitch McConnell won’t just toss it in the trash can as a mad collection of irrelevant, unproven
document(s), but he could form a select committee to do that. They would make timely learned
recommendations to drop the House Report of Impeachment as only hearsay, or go full trial,
waste more taxpayer money and put every body not called to the House hearings, including
Schiff and Hunter Biden and, when they lie, slam ‘em. It’s here the Senate can expose all and
put an end to the future of the Democrat party. If Schiff is an example of Democratic political
acumen, then he’s a sure bet to run for Governor of California one day. Poor California!

Finally, knowing the new Ukrainian presidents former occupation, I can hardly wait to see his
stand-up comedy routine (translated of course) created from the scads of material he picks up
after dealing with dysfunctional American bureaucrats of our foreign service. He should be a
hoot! Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!


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