SOTU 2019, The Fallout
Opinion February 11, 2019SOTU 2019, The Fallout
“America never has been and never will be a “socialist country!” Yeah, “USA, USA, USA.”
For visuals, the Democrats sat on their hands and sulked. President Trump’s speech revealed a lot of truths to the eye of the beholder. His remarks were what conservative Americans wanted to hear because for two years, the president has kept his word, or has tried to while tDemocrats have only worked to obstruct him, not because of policy differences, but because it was Trump.
Not missed was the visual statement by Democrat female members of congress, including House Speaker Pelosi, all attired in white, that reminded me of pigeon droppings adorning the ground beneath a statue of Lenin. They made clear their point that they are socialist and want to make America socialist too. The only time they seriously became animated was when President Trump talked about the growing number of women in government, business, industry and politics, especially in the House of Representatives. Then they celebrated themselves.
For the next two years, the Congress will be in the hands of idiots.
The President cleverly celebrated as examples of true Americana, three World War II combat veterans, a couple of holocaust survivors, a shot up Border Patrol officer and a wee girl fighting cancer sitting with the First Lady in the gallery.
He specifically referred to Dachau, the Nazi’s first concentration camp near Munich which was liberated by American soldiers. The two holocaust survivors had to have been little boys when they were liberated and, at least, one had to have been a Jew. This was the Presidents forceful statement against the growing semitism in the United States abetted by the Socialists in the Democrat Party who fail to rail against it, favoring instead that Americans should accept Islam as a religion of peace. Those exact words weren’t used but the meaning was clear.
Of the most pressing issues facing America, how to stem the hoard of peasant invaders clambering at our southern borders to get in, Trump said a “wall will be built” but stopped short of declaring a national emergency. Why? because the disappointed Democrats were ready with instant law suits in the 9th District, to call a halt to any such national emergency. The president faces an option here as well. He could simply defund the 9th District Courts and let ‘em work on that while the wall is being built.
The issue of late term abortions, made legal in New York state and tried in Virginia apparently, were commented upon by the President demanding a Federal law that prohibits such monstrosities. Democrats for example took the Virginia Governors controversial pro late-term abortion comments out of the news by an attack on a black face and KKK photo. Now, we talk about that racist incident instead of the murders of live baby’s. Let’s not forget Kermit Gosnell, now in prison for life, for doing just that.
Foreign policy and wars were not neglected either. A government of business, must have wars to sustain its productivity. Trumps career was erecting buildings not blowing them down and he spoke to loss of treasure fighting such wars in the middle-east for two decades, that should come to an end. The political problems of a failed Socialist government in Venezuela, manifested by the mass exodus of citizens into neighboring countries, was also not ignored but a cautious approach helping its own citizens to overthrow the dictator Maduro, was implied.
During his speech his constant theme was “Choosing Greatness.” Trump raised five areas on which both Democrats and Republicans campaigned and should therefore find agreement, among which were jobs and fair trade, rebuilding the nation’s infrastructure, reducing the costs of healthcare and prescription drugs, creating a legal immigration system and pursuing a foreign policy agenda that “puts America’s interests first.” How can anyone object to that? Because its was a successful Donald Trump pushing Make America Great Again agenda.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em!
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