Short Takes – See What Trump Has Wrought
Opinion December 22, 2017See What Trump has Wrought
Rumor has it that the GOP will suffer terrible losses in 2018, an off year election losses that comes as surely as Elm blight comes in January. Rumor also has it that the Democrats may survive their current malise and sweep all before them in the off year election, if the had something to offer. A return of Obamacare perhaps, or more perverts in bathrooms? How about making all of America a “sanctuary” country by law? Yes, that should do it. Good selling points.
Why is it assumed that the alternative to the GOP should be a Democrat? They have moved so far to the “Left” as to be no longer recognizable as an American institution. They are a facsimile replica of the old Communist Party USA, an odious group of Marxist-Leninist social engineers whose goal, as a political philosophy, was top down “collectivism.” Losers for over 100 years.
American’s already cast their vote for change when they elected Donald Trump despite the screaming establishment GOP’ers who fought against him and the purveyors of doom and gloom, the geriatric Democrat leadership who fear the truth of Trump’s “Make America Great Again” program could doom them forever. We now know Trump was not bombast but a man of action. We took our chances as voters sick and tired of “diversity and multiculturalism, lying and stealing, Hillary Clinton and her Money laundering foundation and, we see it’s working.
It has taken a year for the “Establishment” GOP to realize that Trump, like a bulldozer, has made changes never thought possible. That’s what Americans wanted, a fighter, not a phony group name that was scared to do anything against the supposed might of the Democrat colossus that wielded power for themselves, not Americans, like they were entitled to it.
Democrat programs have turned out to be a concoction of lies designed solely to social engineer American society into a diverse, multicultural collection of perverts, homosexuals, transgenders and other victims that would keep the Democrats in power. Americans do not want “sanctuary cities” harboring illegal criminals, protecting them from the consequences of their crimes. Americans do not want perverts sharing bathroom facilities with their little children. Americans do not want “collectivism” as their guiding principles but rather would prefer a return to some level of moral and cultural certainty based on the centuries of Judaeo-Christian moral codes that made America great.
For 2018, Trump’s successes are out in the open for all to see. Passing the major overhaul of the “Progressive Tax Plan,” including all but killing off Obamacare by eliminating the odious mandate to buy the thing, is a success that should be trumpeted daily. Let Democrat politicians try to explain why they voted against tax cuts when the rewards start flowing in simply because they didn’t like Trump? Republicans had best get on board and help Trump, not hinder him.
Americans are vaguely aware that the EPA is being reduced and its unconstitutional laws, rules and regulations are being rolled back returning to property owners control of their own property. The Dept. of Energy, under former Texas Governor Rick Perry, is likewise making changes to advance America’s role in the energy sector. Now, we’re selling energy, not buying it.
Another occurrence this past week that made the Democrats go berserk was Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the legitimate capital of Israel. That act alone flushed out the real enemies of the US, the third world nations in the UN enjoying the generosity of American taxpayers. Supported by Nikki Haley that could bode ill for them. Americans want out of the UN!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (21Dec17)
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