Short Takes – Proprietary Government?
Opinion April 19, 2021
Written by: George McClellan
We stand back in amazement as we watch the former American Democrat Party, morph into an anti-American organ of Marxist propaganda, rushing to change a free land of hope and opportunity into a squalid facsimile of failed socialist states everywhere. And we wonder why we’ve let them and what can be done about it. To attempt to explain why Democrat politicians behave the way they do, it is to understand that Democrats, now totally socialist, firmly believe it is their “Proprietary Right” to govern America and that people who think in terms of Constitutional law and order, due process and fair play are now, or should be, classified as domestic terrorists and therefore “Enemies of the State” and, that any attempt to deny them their claimed right must be dealt with harshly, definitively and permanently as lessons to other patriots that patriotism has been redefined and it is in our best interest to stay in line and obey. Democrats are peeling away our rights to due process and the consent of the governed.
Donald J. Trump’s 2016 victory was the greatest single political shock to the Democrats nervous system ever, and the unintended fallout by their dysfunctional, often violent reaction to Trump’s presidency, revealed their true nature, open and hostile feelings toward our Constitutional form of Representative government, It was there for all to see. Democrats’ reaction to their loss of power revealed unprecedented levels of bureaucratic criminality, especially at the highest levels of the federal government, the FBI, DoJ, ODNI, IRS and CIA, and the bureaucracies embedded with Obama’s fellow travelers. Complicit in the Marxists internal attacks against America’s constitutional transfer of power stands the mainstream media, conspiratorial propagandist for Marxism, and active participants in the destruction of law and order. If they win, reimagine policing in the form of fascist police agencies found in socialist countries everywhere.
Being revealed for what they are, real traitors to America, and seizing the 2020 presidential election by theft, fraud, and malfeasance, they don’t yet have the power to cancel the 2022 elections so, stand in fear of an overreaction by America’s patriots that just might sweep them out of power again, a loss prospect they have no intention of repeating. To ward that possibility off, the Democrats village idiot, Joe “Stumbles” Biden is propped up at his teleprompter and spouts out lies and nonsense about protecting the second amendment (2A) while talking about “gun control” phrasing that subject as a National Health issue, never mind the real national health issue of thousands of diseased illegals storming our southern borders. Disease be damned, they will be good democrat voters in 2022. Remember, Democrats firmly believe they have a “Proprietary” right to govern America and all’s fair in any techniques used to keep it.
The Democrat’s main weapon against lawful Americans is the fear of being labeled “racists” if we disagree with their agenda that White America is systemically racists. Ergo, the Democrats, through their thuggish goon squads, BLM and Antifa, take issue with every police vs, criminal shooting, demand murder convictions or they’ll destroy the cities. The righteousness of their screams for revenge against law and order is born out by the fact they’ve actually been doing it unopposed for the past two or so years. So, keep your guns, they are coming for ’em!
What can be done about it? Yesterday my wife and I attended our county’s GOP precinct and county convention, events that normally draw enough people you can count on two hands. Yesterday, 113 pissed-off conservatives were in attendance. Next month is the district convention followed by the State convention in June. This does not mean attendees were pro-Republican. Not at all! They were pro constitutional Americans who wanted the party returned to American Conservatives and 2nd amendment protections to fend off demented democrats!
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go do something!
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