Short takes: Biden’s Destructive Policies Are Just Starting


Written by: George McClellan

Government blackmail using tax payer funds is a powerful tool to encourage States cooperation whether its wanted or not. Biden now wants states to include “Critical Racist Theory” in school curriculums or the DOE will cut off states funding! What an opportunity to cut the umbilical cord to Biden’s Frankenstein monster of socialist “Woke” incursions into our American Republic.


Investment is what China does to influence their innovators to push their great leaps forward to achieve world technological hegemony over America. Presently, China sees electric automobiles and the AI tech that goes with it as their way to advance China’s world economy over America and they are indeed moving ahead of us!  Also, of some concern, China has just landed a rover on Mars. How did they achieve that? Perhaps because most of our space technology has been purloined. Remember when Pres. Clinton gave China, GAVE mind you, Hughes Aircraft ICBM Rocket guidance control systems. That was a great leap forward!


Could it also be because people like Arizona’s new Senator, Democrat Mark Kelly, former US astronaught, aerospace executive and consultant with offices in China Is also a spy for the Chinese? One wonders because he has a commendable military combat record as a naval aviator flying missions in the Middle-East and, he’s a retired US Navy Captain (06) as well.


But our woes are deeper than that. The Democrat party has long been invested in the idea of ‘equity’ but, for all who are non white, meaning everybody should enjoy the same results even if they don’t bring the same skills to the table to earn them. For example, Biden claims he has known China’s emperor Ji Jinping for years, respects him as a smart fellow, and that they have drunk champaign together: as well as sharing financial remunerations for one-way political influence.  With that, one must ask why, if Biden is so chummy with Ji Jinping, that our  Secretary of Defense, a retired black four star General, can’t even connect his phone to China’s top military counterpart? If you have listened to General Lloyd Austin speak maybe you can conclude, like the Chinese have, that its because China recognizes affirmative action officers for what they really are, a waste of time and effort. The record of his attempt is now public. An anonymous US defense official reported:


“The military relationship is strained, no question about that. It’s hard to know how much this is reflective of that strain as much as it is just Chinese intransigence,”  “But we certainly want to have a dialogue. We just want to make sure we have a dialogue at the proper level,” And, there was this painful reminder in closing that we have nothing to show for what pitiful efforts we have made: While their have not been high level military talks since Biden took office in January, senior diplomats from the two countries met in Alaska in March. Those talks bristled with rancor and yielded no diplomatic breakthroughs.”


Trump had dialogues and Ji listened! So did Kim Jung Un of No Korea. Now, nobody listens because China has Biden’s number and sees him as an incompetent as his policies are driving America into a ditch. Biden is beholden to China. Don’t forget Joe’s drug addled son Hunter, took a billion dollars or so from a Chinese business (CCP) to buy political influence. Do you suppose it worked? Of course! Look where we’re at now! Even Israel’s government won’t listen to Biden’s advice that will surely destroy them. Clearly, that speaks to how other world leaders considers Joe Biden’s leadership. The pursuit of “equity” is the sure path to the destruction of  our American Republic. Stand by for civil war. It’s coming as surely as elm blight comes in January. Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ’em!


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