Americas Voice of Conscience?
Opinion October 9, 2017
America’s Voice of Conscience?
For some incomprehensible reason the noted historian and farceur, Jimmy Kimmel, from his national late night TV platform, in a typically leftist screed of emotional anti-self defense propaganda after the Las Vegas mass murders, sought to tell Americas what the founding fathers really thought about the possession of firearms by American’s. He contended that the Founders did not foresee modern technology. He claimed that arguments today about why they set out to defend gun possession in the Bill of Rights, no longer apply to today’s standards.
Who in the world had the gall to claim that Jimmy Kimmel was America’s Voice of Conscience?To be a voice of anything, people have to listen to you, a lot of people in fact, and they have to agree with what you’re saying. Jimmy simply doesn’t qualify. Our president does.
Jimmy K. missed the point, didn’t he? The founders understood that personal possession of firearms was necessary to enable Americans to defend themselves from brigands, robbers, hostile Indians, British soldiers and, as Thomas Jefferson pointed out, even the government.
The primary purpose for possessing firearms, apart from hunting and sport shooting which only a small number of people do today, is encapsulated in the desire for self-defense or more correctly, survival. It does not involve the changing technology of weapons. It is self-defense!
Firearms are nothing more than the assembly of predesigned pieces of metal, fit together into an operating system, designed to strike a firing device to ignite an explosive (gun powder) to propel a missile (lead ball) down a barrel directed to an object, and hit the object. Cold steel.
The Las Vegas mass murders by firearms, was another shock to the nation and a conundrum to law enforcement in that the wealthy, white shooter, who took his own life before he could be apprehended, didn’t leave a trail to be followed that would have revealed his motive. That he probably had too many firearms for a sport shooter or a hunter is a lingering question to be answered. Why records of multiple gun purchases by a single individual over a months or so period didn’t arouse official suspicion, is another question to be asked.
Modern computing systems for gun sales, coordinated with state law enforcement intelligence units should be a consideration. That’s why police departments, at all levels, have intelligence units to pre-determine (educated guesses) potential mischief against public safety.
The Las Vegas incident focused the eyes of Law Enforcement on Americas biggest weakness, mass gatherings of unarmed people at entertainment venues. Sad examples already exist, in Birmingham, UK, Orlando, Fl. and San Bernardino, Ca. so, the Las Vegas shooting could have been anticipated. Some type of attack should have been guessed at or at least supposed.
Las Vegas appears to be a premier example of apparent unconcern about potential violence, a “It won’t happen here” attitude. But, it did! The concert crowd, out in the open as they were, could have as easily been mowed down by motor vehicles, a cheap and very effective method of spreading terror used effectively by Islamic terrorists. Vehicles are the machines of today’s advanced transportation modes, up from ox carts and buggies that our founders rode around in. Vehicles didn’t even make it into the Constitution, but firearms did. If the ‘Left’ ever succeeds in negating the 2nd Amendment, they’ll play hell enforcing it. Jimmy Kimmel isn’t the voice of conscience, he’s one of the Left’s “useful idiots” Stalin talked about.
Remember, freedom is the goal, the Constitution is the way. Now, go get ‘em! (05Oct17)
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