BOC to begin land acquisition for McGinnis Ferry Road Widening

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FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. – The Board of Commissioners is expected to approve nearly three dozen resolutions to condemn property interest in preparation for the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project when it meets in a work session Tuesday at 2p.m. The owners have accepted just compensation for their land.

The Board will also consider:

  • Authorization for the Sheriff’s Office to accept the award of the Criminal Justice Coordinating Council FY2022 Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program (RSAT) in the amount of $199,491.00 with a required match of $49,873.00 for the Grant Period of March 1, 2022 to February 28, 2023;
  • Authorization to accept the Judicial Council ARPA Grant Award in the amount of $693,298 with no required match with authorization for the Chair to sign award documentation and with approval of a Budget Resolution;
  • Declaration of a list of items as surplus with authorization for the Department of Procurement to dispose of accordingly – Director, Department of Procurement;
  • Approval to renew the Motorola Service Agreement for four (4) tower locations and Public Safety Radio Equipment for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022;
  • Approval to award Bid 22-003-3150 to Excellere Construction, LLC in the amount of $143,000 to provide all labor, materials, and equipment to construct a Right Turn Lane on Trammel Road at SR 20 and to reconstruct the Pedestrian Signal Heads adjacent to the Right Turn Lane;
  • Approval to award Bid 22-004-3150 to Blount Construction Company, Inc. in the amount of $283,813.07 for Westminster Lane Storm Drain Sink Hole Repairs for the Department of Engineering;
  • Authorization to accept the Autism Speaks Local Impact Grant in the amount of $5,000 with authorization for the Chair to sign award documentation and with approval of a Budget Resolution;
  • Approval to award Bid 21-200-5211 to ACS Landscape for Landscaping, Grounds Maintenance, and Detention Pond Clearing at various County parks for calendar year;
  • Approval to award Bid 22-001-3340 for construction of New Water Transmission Mains at Keith Bridge Road and Hurt Bridge Road in the amount of $14,764,115to Unity Construction Company for the Department of Water and Sewer;
  • Approval of a Professional Services Agreement with JEN Consulting, Inc. for Temporary Engineering Services on an as-needed basis in an amount not to exceed $50,000.
  • Approval of a Second Amendment to (1) Agreement to Contribute Funds in Aid of Construction of a Regulated Public Wastewater Treatment Plant, (2) 99-Year Ground Lease of the Hampton Creek WRF to a Regulated Public Utility, and (3) Sewer & Reuse Water Service Agreement between Waterscape Utility, LLC, Settendown Public Utility, LLC and Forsyth County to clarify the actual geographic boundaries of the “franchise area” and “service area” under the Agreement; amend the existing Trust Indenture; clarify the amount of gallons per day (GPD) sewer capacity the County has (County Allocation) now and in the future; and, increase and clarify the County’s Monthly Sewer Treatment Charges;
  • Approval of Task Order #3 with Freese and Nichols, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $1,984,804.98 for providing Engineering Services for the design of approximately 49,000 linear feet (LF) of proposed gravity sewer main, force main, and pump station improvements to incentivize non-residential development for the American Rescue Act funded projects previously approved by the Board of Commissioners on October 21, 2021 (Consent Agenda (9)(I)).  Staff Recommendation: approve Task Order #3 in the amount of $1,984,804.98;
  • Adoption of the Grants Administration Policy and Procedures Handbook;
  • Possible direction regarding a County-Initiated Rezoning from Agricultural District (A1) to Commercial Business District (CBD) – Parcel 079-002 – District 3;
  • A UDC change to remove requirement of impervious parking areas in agriculturally zoned properties; (16) Board consideration of a County-Initiated Conditional Use Permit (CUP) to operate a Contractor’s Establishment on property that is currently zoned Highway Business located at 4250 Keith Bridge Road;
  • A County-Initiated rezoning from LR to A1 on property located at 5115 Archer Avenue;
  • Appointment of Matthew McClure to the Development Authority;
  • A City of Cumming annexation of parcels 196-001 and 196-002 (+/- 54.223 Acres of Land);
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-049 (Parcel #26 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Western B. Southeast GA, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $49,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-043 (Parcel #27 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: BCI Bluegrass DC, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $36,900.00;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-026 (Parcel #37 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Windward VI Associates) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $145,000.00;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-024 (Parcel #38 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Windward V Associates) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $479,600;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-013 (Parcel #39 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Win/Forsyth Associates, LLP) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $19,000;
  • Board consideration of a Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-010 (Parcel #57 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Alderman Gateway, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $532,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-019 (Parcel #58 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: ABM Industries, Inc.) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $230,00;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-018 (Parcel #59 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Windward III Associates) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $163,200
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-021 (Parcel #70 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634;Owners: McGinnis Ferry Owner, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $163,400;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 066-034 (Parcel #71 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: McGinnis Ferry Owner, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $19,900;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 067-005 (Parcel #072 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: National Retail Properties, LP) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $331,600;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 067-007 (Parcel #073 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634;Owners: Flynn Crossing Station, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $559,100;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-223 (Parcel #80 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: SARC US, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $151,200;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-220 (Parcel #081 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: SLB Real Estate Corporation) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $244,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-262 (Parcel #082 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: W.D.Clark, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $765,500;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-007 (Parcel #093 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: CAH Holdings, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $154,200;
  • (36) Board consideration of a Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-097 (Parcel #094 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: McGinnis Woods Properties, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $79,500;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-018 (Parcel #105 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: RSK Polk, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $709,800.00;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-020 (Parcel #106 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Alpharetta Real Estate Investments, LLC) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $588,600;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-021 (Parcel #114 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Mark Allen Pierce) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $47,90
  • Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-087 (Parcel #117 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Kevin H. Hazelett and Kerri K. Hazelett) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $342,300;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-138 (Parcel #120 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Christopher Long and Catherine Long) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $94,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-139 (Parcel #129 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Toram Somesh Naidu and Harshita Sevana) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $43,200;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-100 (Parcel #130 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Cynthia Beck and Gavin Beck) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $7,900;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-101 (Parcel #131 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Carlos Vargas and Hazel Badilla) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $37,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-102 (Parcel #132 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Xinrong Zheng and Xiuming Wei) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $35,300;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-104 (Parcel #134 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Mark Cammarota and Mary Cammarota with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $28,700;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-105 (Parcel #135 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owner: Bobbi Jo Garvel) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $24,900;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-106 (Parcel #136 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Brent L. Weatherford and Cynthia T. Weatherford) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $42,800;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 090-107 (Parcel #137 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Richard R. Evarts, Jr. and Esperanza B. Evarts) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $4,100;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 113-400 (Parcel #138 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: The Plantation and Preserve at Brookwood Homeowners Association, Inc.) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $130,200;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 113-034 (Parcel #139 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Cross Plains Baptist Church of Forsyth County, Inc.) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $78,100;
  • A Resolution to condemn property interest in Tax Parcel 114-047 (Parcel #158 of the McGinnis Ferry Road Widening Project; PI #0004634; Owners: Athena B. Treptow Living Trust) with authorization for the Chair to execute documents in furtherance of same; estimated just and adequate compensation: $18,200.

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